can't connect to IRC

* Connecting to (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort)
* Connect retry #1 (6667) (dns pool)
* Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort)
* Connect retry #2 (6667) (dns pool)
* Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort)

it's not my firewall, it's not the port. i've tried reinstalling and still nothing.. anybody ever had this?
use uk server
ye i have this like 2-3 times the month

np next day it works again
virus scan
try another script
connect random eu server
use uk server
turn off AV , change server , use NNS
smth like this here too

(17:16:19) (-sBNC) Scheduled reconnect in 15 seconds.
(17:16:19) (-sBNC) You have new messages. Use '/msg -sBNC read' to view them.
(17:16:25) (dONTHAX) read
(17:16:25) (-sBNC) Sun Sep 7 09:23:53 2008 G/K-line reason for dTHX: Network Abuse.
(17:16:25) (-sBNC) Sun Sep 7 09:23:53 2008 Error received for dTHX: Closing Link: dONTHAX`off by (G-lined)
(17:16:25) (-sBNC) Sun Sep 7 09:23:53 2008 Disconnected from the server.
(17:16:25) (-sBNC) End of LOG. Use '/msg -sBNC erase' to remove this log.

e: hm i see that #free.bnc has been taken over :c
it doesn't have anything to do with the server as i have tested all of them. nor does it have anything to do with NNscript because it didn't work with it, and it doesnt work without. any other specialists? repairing nnscript doesnt work either, if you think you can suggest something i haven't tried yet , be my guest but leave the RETARTED "format" comments for yourself. Thank you.
dns pool ... so wait
nobody knows how to fix that rly ;<
I'm having the same situation, but it will just connect after few times, like 7 times.
I had that before, it was my anti-virus. try turning on/off antivirus and try again
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