Quake Live invite.

I have one and I could exchange it for a good torrent site invite, like TL or Waffles or smth. Pm with offers =]
I'll exchange my last remaining invite for the low low price of one virginity.
need quake live invite, but nothing for exchange :<
i can provide a pretty much unused cod4key xD
image: Merchant

I'll buy it for a high price.
i can provide teh sex
Doubt you'll find anyone stupid enough to agree to such exchange. QL invites are worthless. Not only an invite doesn't guarantee that you will get the account (at least so far it didn't), but they announced they will soon open the beta to whoever signes up (they made some database and hosting changes and they can afford such step now). What's even funnier- why would you play QL in such state as it is now, when you have much more complete CPMA? I don't get ppl that search QL invites, play one day and leave it without any intention to give any feedback to the dev team. Don't treat beta as a sort to check out the game if you are not willing to test it...
you know there are some beings that prefer vq3 gameplay over cpma gameplay. plus comes the fact that the quake live engine feels good and that quake live will have alot more tourneys
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