worKLOL :~>

me and my friend, have a friend which his uncle gave us jobs :D
his uncle work in distarbiotion? (a buisness hire them to spread commercial :p)
so he hire us both, we worked today in the most richest neighberhood in my city
ffs every building have a fucking wall with cameras and fucking lions gurding the entrance :DDD

every gurd dog have his own gurd dog to protect him xD

their servents have their own servents :XD
you got what i mean :~>

we worked for few hours and in the end of the month we should earn 900euro-1000euro :~>

when i have enough i will do a eurotrip :~DDD
me and dave are going to beat some skin heads :~D

random picture of my camel:
image: camel034qb

edit: forgot to say that i found a porn movie dvd on the floor :DDD
but it was empty :O(
the cover was nice :p
sxey girl.
l0l, nice picture. :DDDDD
btw. gg ronner with 15 warning points for posting gif in random journal!
Ronner has given you a warning worth 50 points.

ronnie for #1 admin
Rofl what did you do
he did a 5 man kill vs mamut = 50 points
six if to be right! :D
made a "lol belgians" journal :[
Lol thats worth 50 points?
for Ronner yes ;D
nice blowjob
ur camel looks abit retarded ;D
he do that when he charging his laser
"you got what i mean :~>"
The only thing I get is that your english is awful. Or that you are retarded.
Probably a little bit of the two.
atlist i done put prfume cuz i refuse to take a shower
now thats retarded :~D
You don't need to type that much letters to look retarded.
Just put ":~>"

:~> is like the most human smily ever :O(
i know you read it...
fucking noob XD
but a rich one :>
better poor and pro then rich and noob, just look at george bush
Nice camel i gotta say!
al qaida is watchin you jew
well, on the first look i thought the picture shows some skinhead
Quote by Cohen/Theodorthe end of the month we should earn 900euro-1000euro :~>

Do you earn € 1000 for one month working?
minimum in israel is 1000$
but he pay us abobe minimum :D
And how about your working hours?
4 weeks; 5 days per week; 8 hours per day?
depends :(
can be 7 days a week
can be 5
and the hours is till we finish so something around 6-8 hours
Well, I don't know if that's much, but I earned a lot more.
+ You work in a rich environment, and you earn not much :(
that is a lot for young kids who search for a work before army
beside, dont forget belgium is much much much more expensive ^_^

so it balances :~D
and i work in rich neigberhood :p
tomorrow is prolly will be the poor parts :~<
Arrrgh. Well, then is it really nice for you; that € 1000. I have to go to school tomorrow, for the first time in 2,5 months ;'(
And I'm a little bit nervous (:
believe me
after you finish school and go to army
you wish you were in school :~>
take things in proportion :p
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