Paintball Pwnage

:D Just went paintballing for the first time, I'm still crammed with adrenaline, was fucking awesome!

First round I just went looking how everyone played, and how far I could go before I got shot, so I just sprinted to the opponents flag, got shot in like 10 seconds :D But I knew where every1 was n stuff, so next round I got 2 and then got shot right in the eyeglasses from my helmet, and the paint came in my mouth and tasted fucking nasty ^^

Then we went in some forest, and it was just team-deathmatch. I just ran all the way through the left side, and then flanked them from behind, I killed their whole team (7 ppl) and when I came back my teammates were still at the beginning, shitting bricks behind the same wall they were when we started. I told em everyone was down and they just didn't believe it until we came back to the gathering point, where they saw everyone, was so fuckin awesome. Now I'm joining some random paintball club n stuff, will be cool ^^

k that was it baibai

/caremode off

image: paintball%202
i love that <3
paintball ownz! :D et in rl!
paintball rox!
going for paintball in next week, for first time too, hope gonna have some fun :D
and you did all that with your broken ribs after your swim accident from the day before. respect man respect

And ye indeed, before (this morning I didn't know I was going to paintball) I was kinda afraid that it would hurt like hell, but it didn't. Maybe coz of adrenaline, or it's just not bad enough.
when im paintballing im fucking rambo

image: pbih5
Me too! ^^
All those chickenshits were camping all the time, being afraid to get shot. I was just running around like a retard (rly quick so I wouldn't get shot), and I popped alot of them all the time :P

Their aim sux anyways, only got hit 3 times or so today, and I went paintballing for 2/3 hours xD
2/3h, We play usually 4-6 hours...
You're still a retard.
i went for my first time 2 months ago, i didnt see any reason to put a journal and share with the e's though
that's prolly coz u sucked and got shot all the time..
me & my team won all except for that flag thing, nP
my team won everything, maily coz I just shot everybody :D
ET helps after all xD
notrly, et helps on pc games, not rlife Oo i used completely different type
So basically you're just here to brag about how good you are at shooting people with paint? Gosh.
cool! is that u?
i wish
the only place they use CAR15 Paintball is in zeh army :O)
but when i played i did some crazy headshots >:D
I had only 1 headshot, but that dude just wiped it off and continued playing, was fucking gay, shot him later in the game though :P Weapons weren't rly accurate, but accurate enough to hit a body. Was kinda awesome when two of those dudes were behind cover, 70 meters or so away from me on the other side, and I just popped em both with only 5 shots ^^
airsoft is the real deal
wanna try that once too, what exactly is that? How do u notice u got hit n stuff?
i fucking loled irl xDDD
believe me, when you get hit by a bullet who do 300m per second and its plastic YOU will notice xDDD
I just hear the sound or see the pellet hitting. I don't notice it otherwise D:
Airsoft is like paintball, but with 6mm or 8mm pellets. You can't be that blind that you won't see the pellet(s) coming and it depends much on your moral, do you "die", or just keep on playing like you would have godmode. It's cheaper than paintball too.
/b_hitsounds 1
when i get shot i dont feel anything only in my neck
You need to go outside in order to do that so I'm not sure if it's for you.
:DD epic

I'm playing paintball & airsoft almost every weekend. It's fun to play with "bomb". We got a chess clock -bomb. You can turn the time running on your team and the team which breaks the timelimit first will win <- Usually with "respawns". The other style is like Cs, other team plant's the bomb and others try to defuse it.
:D sounds fun :-)
image: 57367000opendoor_31607

Do you think you will manage to pass the first obstacle?
1) irony
2) you are such a fucking wnb, incredible.
u can't ride bycicle, you can't swim in pool and

Quoteand then got shot right in the eyeglasses from my helmet, and the paint came in my mouth and tasted fucking nasty ^^

loser lol
me and u = pwnage
Laserschieten > *

More e-attention plz.
how much € did u pay ?
like there are people that want to go paintball with u...
thought the same
I played paintball once :] it was inside, rly big, like 20 rooms, with barrels, cars, and stuff.. was so fucking awesome.. it was dark there, just some disco lights so the adrenaline was like 200 times more :] anyway it was pure lotto.. imo outdoor paintball is aim+skill :D
I used to go paintballing quite often. It's fun until you get shot in the fingers :(
yerr getting shot where your not protected too, i got shot in hand when i was putting more balls into the hopper and all my hand swollened < : (
I had revenge though on one of their teamates (who was also the the guy who organised the trip/took us down)

'Twas 10 seconds left until the end of the game, I ran across the fields and shot whatever was left in my clip into his back, he didn't half scream :DDD
hahaha ye, when we played all the maps there, at the end there was a "mag finisher" match which was basically just finish off the rest of your bullets. And it was in the area of 5 metres by 5meters woodland area with like 2 tree's, was painful as hell xD
yerr paintballin is fuckin awesome ^_^ the one i went to had like you stood in this room and then doors opened into the outside and they just shot straight into the room ^_^ its so cool (O:
paintball is amazing. but my god is it expensive. place where i went was so gd cause so many areas and shit. i didnt do anything for the first round just sat back then caned everyone for the rest of the rounds , hehe. but getting shot on tight areas of clothing hurts.
got an funny story of when i went. 2 of us raped 1 kid silly and he started crying and when u get hit ur supposed to put ur hand up to signal to go out so we just shot his hand so he couldnt go out. owned?

btw if you turn ur gun upside down and tilt it then fire it makes a sound like a grenade launcher fiering. nerdy but its cool ;)

btw where i went people have paint grenades and light flashbangs. you ever played cod4 and a grenade lands on u and when u die u get the sound like u punctured ur ear drums. same as that exept a nowhere near as bad. also paint grenades hurt :<. i was only 14 at the time and u gota be 18 to use these things. o and btw the day i go the army decides to do its training (2 easy i was on their team)
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