More lio Drama
7 Sep 2008, 19:22
Ok so Kiewan claims that the story about netCoders kicking 200 ppl after the incident of lio & alexL to be a cover up for their 2 customers.
Let me prove you wrong... again, and maybe we can settle this once and for all.
Let me prove you wrong... again, and maybe we can settle this once and for all.
PS: cry me a fucking river
or did you british just invent it?
Ip matched ClanBase and Crossfire.
anything else honey?
teabag heared he wasnt cb banned
still i think that lio and alexL's cases were a bug and the ban should be removed.
lioco is cheating?
whats up with februrary and march bust?
are you too dumb to explain it briefly ??
KB explains that rshook was already detected a month before the kicks from lio and alexl last year and thus, if it were genuine kicks, they should have been kicked earlier (confirming the fact that their kicks were bugs)
Decection for Dummies:
someone buys rshook
After 2 years of a pb-proof detections rshook gets decected on Febuary 02
So everyone who played that day and 1/2 weeks after = real kick (because the coder releases a new version of rshook)
Lio played and trained during that month that rshook was detected, so why didn't he get kicked before? Its obvious that nC kicked him on purpose on that ettv day.
wtf??? . .
now stfu
lil scumfag
"omg cheaters are everywhere!"
seriously, paranoids get a life :X
sorry guys!