spawntimah ;x

Hiho im looking for spawntimer this one with red number near nornal spawntime

i once had it like that bind x chose timer betwen 15, 20, 25, 30 with echos
and bind y start counting with echo can any1 make something like this ?
bind k timerset "25"
lol have exactly the same command:)
My personal one, bestest tbh, don't wanna press a button 3 times to get spawn like the one below, but whatever you prefer :D
bind "key" "timerset 20"
bind "key" "timerset 25"
bind "key" "timerset 30"


buuh :D
set "spawntimer" "vstr spawn1"
bind "key" "vstr spawntimer"
set spawn1 "timerset 15; set spawntimer vstr spawn2"
set spawn2 "timerset 20; set spawntimer vstr spawn3"
set spawn3 "timerset 25; set spawntimer vstr spawn4"
set spawn4 "timerset30; set spawntimer vstr spawn1"

and to turn it off you still need a key with "timerset 0" ..just woke up, hope it works :D

You could avoid having to press so many buttons by making a map autoexec (autoexec_supply) Im not quite sure, and then put vstr's with one universal cvar like alliedST axisST put the values for spawntimes in and make a key bind to cycle through them but Im not gonna write that shit down here xD should help
The problem with the timerset method is that you have to press it at their exact spawntime, whereas with the XX/YY/ZZ method (for instance 42/22/02) you can simply enter that in at any time during the game.
ye true, but I personally never used it because noone could tell me how it exactly works :X Doesn't really matter anyways since I usually use the roundtimer for spawn :P ( Tho I'd like to have one of those scripts to get an understanding of it :o )
The one I made is quite easy to work with. For example if you are allied and the axis spawn at 23/53, then all I have to do is press enter on the numpad and the time itself (so I press the 2 and 3 on the numpad) So just 3 keys and it will directly spam 23/53 on screen. If I want to spam that again I press the / on the numpad.
well have a look at my config. I play with arrows hrhr :P (+numpad used to max)

But if you could pm me your script I'll see how it works and rewrite it for use (if I like it) :>
you seem to be a good coder!
he should go work with microsoft
later after I'm done hacking the NSA and found Osama Bin Laden!
you seem to be a good coder scripter... plz :)
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to get back on this website?
rofl, good comment
rofl, good reply
there was that very good coded spawntimer by Germany fr4nk which iam using, cba to upload or search link...
I got the one with the autoexec files, works perfectly for spawntimes and spawnpoints
Use your brain & remember the numer of a spawn. Maybe hard for a game with spawn of 15 or 25 seconds.
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