for all ya wow fanatics

looking for some tips and tricks for rogues.
and i want to know what stats are important for a pvpin rogue.
current stats are:
* Strength: 36
* Agility: 69
* Stamina: 42
* Intellect: 19
* Spirit: 42
* Armor: 469

ignore the name, all the other names were already taken;p
dunno ask rebeliii
dunno rebeliii
why dont u know him
wow sux
the attitude of some ppl..
pathetic to say the least.

pathetic nerd

Thats my opinion

case closed.
level to 70 and get the season2 set
did you already played with my rogue? :')

fuckface :D
well normally u should go for resillience/ap/hp/crit gear
so now ur a WoW lagger:s
nah i played wow for like 2 years when it came out
so your just a wnb chinees?
Agility is most important.
agility is not that important, get "pvp" gear then you wont really have to worry about your its been mentioned above you should go for resi/ap/hp/crit, and of course choose your gems in a similar way
I don't know. Didn't play wow that often :D
what are: resi/ap.
im playing for like 2 weeks or, dont rly know much about it.

edit: and doesnt strength matter?
agility and str both give you AP but agility also gives other stats so agi > str
mutilate spec ftw+ go hit 70
Agil and Stam is the most important as a rogue.
tsss wow is nolife :S
what is the difference is you play wow 2 hours a day, or 2 hours ET :/
Nah i know nice one Allir but in wow are the most nolifers ever like afkick clinics:p
n1 making a fool outta urself, gratz
use glider and say bibuy to your account :(
for a pvp rogue:

spec 20/00/41 (shadowstep) and get shitloads agi/stam/resi

400 resi, 10500+ HP, 2000 AP and 30+ crit is what you're aiming for.

also, don't go daggers, but swords/maces/fists
bart is een nerd!!!!
level first, the rest comes later
tip: connect to server -> own noobs with ur axe

if not working -> uninstall
since ur a rogue, and ur not the main target in arenas. for starters with season 2 gear, about 350 resi will be enought. and about 1850 ap.
Yeah, all the names were taken only INFENSUS was left.
pay some chinese kid to give you 20000 gold and then pay someone else in gold to level your character up!
+1 saves the hassle
amagad dont do pvp.. pve is fanatic!
someone make a new journal

im gettin crazy of this shitjournal
plz Cabal online > WoW
reroll neptulon :<
spore > wow
Just level to 70, and get pvping then. For levelling just take whatever spec ull enjoy most, if u've got skills ull still kill other people
get stam + agi ! Hp is > all in Pvp !
no, resilience is!
we were talking bout 70 ? ;<
how do you get those sets?

My char .. now? :< ... who cares... but yeah you should find a good mix for resi/HP/AP crit isnt that important anymore cause resilience makes it crappy... when you hit 70 just fag around alterac valley until you got enough honor to get the PvP gear from the vendors in stormwind/orgrimmar (didnt actually look at you char tbh ...) first get weapons and s2 shoulders so you wont look that much like a crap anymore ,... itll make you get less focussed...
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