swat 4 anyone?

anyone got swat 4 and wants to play coop with Anonymous unknown and me

if yes pm gungy`yummy in quakenet

if you don't care pls let me know :)
No! im in bed now ...
oh dear i forgot to install it, maybe on friday =D
swat 4 gets boring pretty fast :P
played it for a week or so with 4 people
can I play it without having the original one or something? I used to like S.W.A.T. 3 so if 4 is free I can download and play with you! :) PME sounds intresting
Try it Gungy will be setting up a server tomorrow night if my wrist is better then I will play!
image: 4pma849

As with the real-life SWAT teams, your job as an element commander in SWAT 4 is to take your five-man team into dangerous situations and defuse them. These situations range from a botched jewelry heist to high-risk arrest warrants to a raid on an illegal casino. In almost every mission, there are innocent civilians mixed in with the bad guys. Those of you who are Rainbow Six and Counter-Strike veterans will need to cool it on your itchy trigger fingers. Even when you do run into armed criminals, you don't have carte blanche to shoot them immediately. You have to follow the same strict rules of engagement as a real police officer and do whatever you can to subdue and arrest suspects without lethal force. Your guns are meant to be a last resort and should only be used if an armed suspect is an immediate threat to your team or civilians. This is the primary detail that separates the SWAT games from the military-style action games. The rules of engagement add a good deal of difficulty to the game, and SWAT 4 pulls this off well. At the end of each mission you're graded on how well you did, and more points are awarded for arresting as opposed to killing suspects. You are assessed big point penalties for improper use of force, and for the most part, these penalties are levied fairly and intuitively.



I'm downloading now, will play with you when ever you want ;) looks great and I used to love S.W.A.T 3 so no problem.
nice game shame I can't play it my wrist hurts from over gaming and working
not forgetting wanking
maybe tomorrow, i like the game .
1.0 or 1.1 ?
I'll have the game in 1hour if you want to play ;D but can I have a link to 1.1? btw, I need a original key or something to play with you?
I am not sure neither is gungy, best thing to do is try and join a server!
IF we start a gaming session up tonight we will make a journal tonight as early as possible, we have ts etc so np for comms
i couldnt burn the cds and had to give it back to my homey, so sorry no :(
bash dling
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