Interesting start

I just had an interesting start of the day :)

I just watched a very interesting 30 minutes interview with Slovenia Slavoj Zizek. He had so many cool and interesting views of many of the resent topics of discussions. Very smart man in my opinion and he makes me want to go more into some of the social and cultural studies which I did at year ago at the university.

So, anyone heard of him, and what do you think?
I wrote a paper about him. And i agree with you he is a very smart guy. But what do you expect from an ex-jugoslavian? worth buying
Don't get me started about ex-Jugoslaviens :)
Hehe. Aren't you friend with a macedonian guy?
I've meet and know a lot of ex-Yugos :P
Yugo is a nice car!

And so is the people from balkan :p
I don't think a Slovenian likes it much to be called (ex)yugo.
Thats true but fuck them.

The fact that they were members of Jugoslavia makes them ex-yugos no matter what they say. So i don't care about what they say.
Well aren't you fucking nice.

But anyway, I guess there is a difference between a technical truth and the truth in ppl's hearts.
Well i am nice but im also a realist. I have a lot of slovenian friends and if you only knew how most of them are acting these days. They don't have the balkan mentality that they used to have. Even tho they are the richest country from that area dosen't give them right to treat people in the arrogant way they do. Does it?

There are some stuff people never understand. And this is something you'll never understand since you aren't from that area.
I have tons of friends in that area but you are right, I will probably never fully understand because I'm not from there. Doesn't mean however that if slovenians don't feel like ex-yugoslavians that it's not true to them. But yes, technically speaking they are ex-yugoslavians.
Seems like we agree ;)
what makes you think slovenia is the richest?
Don't try to be smart crotard.
what? crotard? wtf

but anyway, what makes you think that slovenia is the richest?
Its common sense among the people from balkan
I don't think other "balkan" countries would agree, I'm not sure what criteria you are using
I don't want to argue with you about this question as im 100 % sure that im right. You are just trying to sound smart but give me some evidence that im not right
you're not right, you said that slovenia is the richest country in that area, by what criteria?

if you look at gdp, serbia, croatia, greece, bulgaria, romania all have higher gdp
if you look at gdp per head, greece has it higher
if you look at natural resources, almost all countries from that area have greater natural resources than slovenia, especially croatia

so what do you base your statement on?

If you look on how many citizins the countries have you can clearly see that Slovenia is richer. The standard is a lot bigger in SI than the rest of the countries.

have you ever been there?
so you basically have no idea what you're talking about

I'm in ljubljana and maribor few times a year for business, not quite sure what you mean by standard being higher, I haven't noticed much difference between slovenia and croatia for example, only that the people are much friendlier in croatia and they don't have those ridiculous vinjetas

just one thing also, slovenia benefits from being a small country with low population, if they were larger with more people you can bet they wouldn't be as "rich"
I am visiting Slovenia & Crotia twice a year. When im talking about standard i mean the way they live. Slovenia is to be compared with western countries while croatia still needs some years to be called a western country. Slovenia is always said to be the richkid amog the countries in ex-yugoslavia.

Try ask a croatian dude what his opinion about this is.
I lived in croatia for 11 years so I know quite a lot about both slovenia and croatia and I visit them both also few times during the year and I can't really agree that there's much of a difference

about being rich during yugoslavia time, don't think you know why they were rich and how much money has been redirected from croatia to belgrade and then parts to ljubljana during the years and especially after tito died, and slovenia was the country that prospered the most with the breakdown of yugoslavia when they didn't participate in the war and looted quite a lot of their wealth from national treasury, croatia was quite affected by the war and I think they're doing much better than slovenia atm because they recuperated from a devastating war while slovenia had a nice and clear road towards the future thanks to croatia and somewhat bosnia practically keeping them away from serbian eyes, and I know some things well since my mother worked for the government

slovenia has always been the most yugoslavic country since they had the largest mix of all ex-yu nationalities but they are a very racist and arrogant country which I visit with disgust
Due to E.U. funding.
am I wrong or does slovenia have the lowest fdi in eu?
but still, serbia and croatia have higher gdp than slovenia
I'm not sure if GDI/GDP includes the E.U. funding.
never heard
sounds quite good apart from the pro-marxist part.
(dont get me wrong)
Yeah, I don't fully agree with everything he says.
That happens, if you don't know much about it. :P ;D
He's too smart for crossfire!
i think that i'm going to watch pb, then i'll gonna outside steal some cd-radio or rob someone's cellphone. then i'll sell it, get some weed, i'll go to home, turn on my bot and pwn some highskillers cuz i'm polak.

does my answer satisfy you? :D
Well, I don't fully agree with everything he said in that interview nor his views. But he has many great points.

And quite the extreme answer :P
I had an interesting start of the day too:

Quote Spree on 09/09/08, 10:30:47 Del | Edit | Reply

omg coincidence! This morning I was at work and had the exact same, I got picked up by an ambulance and was raced to the intensive care, cullapsed lung and blooded internal muscles ^^ Now I'm back @ work again but it hurts like hell and I can barely move for the next two weeks :<
I hate wiki pages with hundreds of links in it. Can't read that shit properly that way.

But I had a great start of the day, when I opened FireFox I noticed I wasn't banned anymore at crossfire :D
thats better but still a fucked up layout

and wtf "pronounced [&#712;slavoj &#712;&#658;i&#658;&#603;k])" like anyone knows how top pronounce &#712;&#658;i&#658;&#603;k xD

EDIT nice crossfire fail, let fusen implement all characters not only the one on ur keyboard.
if you click on it you will be brought to a page that explains how certain symbols should sound.
communism failed alrdy
never heard a single bit
Read some noam chomsky !
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