end of the world tomorow
9 Sep 2008, 18:26
CERN is turned on tomorow.2 easy. summarise if u dont know what that is. basicly a 20 km cylinder around will try to create the conditions after the big bang. np
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
hi twat
i like the quote from the professor at the end "Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat"
Seems like those scientists finally got their flirt.
Plus, Nothin' ain't gonna happen brah.
I searched 1-2 months for it. :(
alot weaker than the millions of rays that pass through your body from space each day. Its such a big deal because the rays are being controlled so scientists can see the results of it. So no big deal ;x
this means that mass and energie are related. You can put mass into energie and vica versa.we all know how to get mass into energie (such as an nucleair bomb). but to create mass we need so much energie it's only possible with an LHC. we give this protons so much energie by speeding them in a magnetic field and then let them collapse against eachother. Then we would like to see the one particel that has never been observed : the particle of higgs.
this is a summary of what i thought was the most important thing about the LHC.annyone can add something cause i would like to learn more about it ;)