Why ??

So much murders in London i always hear London is mad dangerous every day scary crimes??

Why is that?

To the ukers or even londonians?
:( I don't like London somehow
The murders are somewhat out of proportion.

90% of these murders are brought on themselves, if you hang around with a bunch of trouble makers then trouble is going to come to you. I dont hang around any hard hitting pipe smoking joey's and so I dont get stabbed, if you repeat my formula you'll be fine!

The other 10% well shit happens, and the biggest populated city in the EU, shit happens a bit more often.
moscow is bigger and still it's less crime active than most russian cities, dont think that the size matters :/
How much crime actually gets reported in Moscow though? Corruption in Russia makes any official figures on crime laughable
ofc, thousands of giant robots controlled by KGB patrol our streets and government tells that crime doesnt exist
like the KGB do /stats or /weaponstats everytime someone is counting crimes?
in the EU
i mean in russia moscow is the biggest and not that crime active as smaller ones
yeah read about those killings... alot of niggers
idd i lived there until 1yr ago, family still does
its mostly the niggers
because london is the ghetto. the most dangerous place in europe is london tbh. south london is the worst . people get stabbed or shot every day there . you walk alone in south london at night past 12 am. u have about a 75 % chance of something happening to u
U got that in every major city in Europe.
Try Amsterdam or Rotterdam please :))))))
Amsterdam isn't that dangerous 0o
seems like Portugal Lisbon (amadora) :XDDDDDDDDDd
London is full of unemployed, drugged up chav's who think they rule the world!
idd GB always be the biggest crime zone
It's because tosspot lives there.
lets nuke london!
I have been to London. All I saw were homeless people, *black* people, and people who only own a knife and a trailer (at max)

ps those three above could be seen as just one group, but please don't do that, since that would be racism!
Much like the last previous journal, it's just a media storm.
like any big city there are many areas i dont feel comfortable walking around in especially @ night - although nothing has ever happened to me cause ppl recognise that i r ninja straight away and dont want me to pull off any jet li shit. Anyway i decided to leave london to run after a crackwhore a year ago and it definately feels more chilled in the city i live in now.
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