calculus of probability

I just want to say that "calculus of probability" is the most fucked up thing you could imagine.
Permutations, variations with or w/o repetition, combinations, multiplications rule
I have it all mixed now + tommorow morning exam, gl there for me :O)
I cannot disagree.
stop pushing our cool journal down, nah
probability is a very important thing for making money
it's fucking easy
calculate this possibility

image: lolbetsyy8
You are WRONG.
I guess it's cool :)
haha i don't even know what you're talking about

but it sounds extremely cool
glad i never have to do maths again
I'll be taking a course on that next year. Need the extra 5 study points for my curriculum. :(
already passed all my prob calculus at uni.. but didn't like it much anyway
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