spiz = hacker?

yo I just played against ex spiZ / logic.

he had 85 hs ( in a 3v3 ) on less than 400 bullets that means a 22% hs acc its a bit strange since he played movement and brainwise very bad ( not a single spawnnade hit correctly ) is there anyhing known about him towards hacking or do I have to wolfcam the demos? : (

Furthermore 3-4 month ago we pracced nearly every day against logic and he wasnt that good back than ( around 6000dmg in 6on6 now he did 8000 in 3v3 )

just saw he played on a french lan and placed 3rd against some med teams lolz.

do not care
Why did you bother to writing a comment then? Tell me...
why did you reply to my comment?
he didnt say he doesnt care
i did not say so
I just wanted to point out your certain stupidy and nonsense, not to fill your inbox.
i hope you will realize someday how wrong you are when it comes to judging people
Yes, I'm very afraid! That's why I'm gonna study law.

ps. nice teachin' me rules of life :-D You seem to be so mature and well taught yourself.
i am just saying that calling me stupid is impolite
So is your I-don't-care comment. By sayin' that you show us how irresponsible you are about little things. And if you say you don't care about some random hackers... why are you commenting this thread then? :--)
i was in need of an intelligent conversation and now i am satisfied.
but i still do not care about cheaters, i just play this game for fun =D
You can reply me anytime for an intelligen converstaion since I consider myself as one of the only guys around that are somewhat reasonable :l
consider that
found nothing there maybe he buyed it lately coz he wasnt good at all in logic
so I understand he only 1 time ownd you? if he does it twice you can maybe worry

good night cf
ah it was more the way he played, not that he owned us that badly ( was a double fullhold his mates made half dmg of him ). He played completly difficult compared to the way he played back than, thats what iam worry about.

but i wanted to tell the community that im really proud of my englishhomeworks xD

a biography about mildred montag (book: fahrenheit 451)[~100words]

stop being a noob and make headshots
I dont think any human being can shot 22% hs acc over 400 bullets. (or maybe you talk about hs/hits accuracy, which whould be quite normal, but arclite isnt talking about it.)

Do you hit 1 hs every 5 bullets you shoot ?
i hit what i need to hit to beat the fucking shit out of my enemy, i dont care what kind of bullshit you r talking about
you mean you set your values high enough ?
i like french fries
This one is mostly him, possibly the other one (?)

how much sure are you?
Quite :)
The one ip matches him too, not sure if CF want to confirm it, but a few people seem to think so
like i ever shoot 85 hs on one map... :DDDDDDDDDD

trying to get above 40 in my best games
I heard he wanted to stop and so he would like to try a cheat for once.
That's what i heard >_<
I heard that Justin Gatlin wanted to stop sports also, so he used doping just to try that
I heard it around 2months ago mate =)
I was even surprised, i haven't heard smth like that before.
do u mean he had 400 hits or 400 bullets shot totally?
every 5th shot was a hs

just like slajdan
sounds like a clear haxer to me then
Before he played two french lan, all the french community suspect him of cheat. An unknow with a perfect aim ? wtf ? But when he came on lan, and everybody look him playing, we all understood. He play with an extra low sensitivity and a very special mouse pad like this ==>http://oufzorn.free.fr/pics/XXXXXXL.JPG It's not a joke. When all the people saw that, and his constant accuracy, all the people said "ok, your a good aimer". He also come on september for the next french lan @ Paris. For information he has never been busted, our famous french RandomBuster can confirm it.
???? he s low+/med onlan
image: chris-crocker-cries_144x119
Leave Britney SPIZ ALONE !!!
I've played with him @logic at the last "frenchlan" in Paris, and in my opinion it's a pretty good aimer. He would be a really good player if he had a brain x) So let's say he's med(+)...

Btw, who is Patou ? (probably a random fr thinking he can judge everyone)
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