It's the End of the World as we Know it
9 Sep 2008, 22:30
This vid came out a week ago, but Im sure that some of you havent seen it.
A very nice impact simulation of what happens, and has happend, when earth gets hit by an asteroid.
This vid came out a week ago, but Im sure that some of you havent seen it.
A very nice impact simulation of what happens, and has happend, when earth gets hit by an asteroid.
like the music
nice page u have there ^^ funny vids :D
It will not blow apart, that's just cinema stuff :P
if it wasnt for jupiter we would be hit by asteroids everyday.
It depends on speed and angle of collision.
It was 10km in diameter, and there was 500km in diameter in movie. I think it gonna really blow Earth apart if it's speed is high.
Impact energy:
E =(roo*d^3 * v^2)/15982100
E: impact energy
roo: thickness kg/dm3
d: diameter m
v: speed km/s
The astrobleme caused by the impact can be calculated from:
D = 1.8 rp0.11 rt -1/3 g-0.22 L0.13 E0.22 (sin q)1/3
rp: asteroids thickness (for rock its 3000, iron 7800)
rt: material thickness kg/m3 (earth stone usually 2600 kg/m3)
g: gravity (earth 9,80m/s)
L: the hitting objects diameter
E: impact energy
q: impact angle
Earthquake caused by impact is:
M = 0.67 log10 E - 5.87
For example...
If asteroids diameter is 10km, then the impact energy would be 100million megatons. It would also leave a 200kilometer diameter hole (although when it collapses it will only be 70km), worldwire earthquake etc....
i'm not afraid off dying. anytime will do, i don't mind