It's the End of the World as we Know it

This vid came out a week ago, but Im sure that some of you havent seen it.
A very nice impact simulation of what happens, and has happend, when earth gets hit by an asteroid.

like the music
can't see the movie
open your eyes
it ain't even loadin :(
wouldn't mind
This makes me emo. 8(
first japan goes :<
interesting stuff
i remember when that happend
yeah i was 5 or 6 cant remember exactly
impressive, music also fits amazing
we would send either nukes or bruce willis to the asteroid to destroy it.
ok so you have the choice between the earth completely fucked up or have some cities destroyed. I would rather take the risk of having the asteroid splitted up in thousands of small rocks
My mouse just died so i dont care anymore :(
I feel so sorry for you :(
just my gaming mouse, not an animal.. but a gaming mouse is expensiver then an animal mouse..
how did some buildings survive? And I think it will actually destroy planet at all(blow it to pieces).
No, the description given in that movie is kinda realistic. Could be that the earth would leave it's orbit though, and either come too close to the sun or go too far from the sun, which in the last case will result in an immediate freeze of the planet ^^

It will not blow apart, that's just cinema stuff :P
Should asteroid be frozen when in space? Just wondering why it's red before closing the atmosphere
yes, was thinking the exact same thing xD Could be because of several factors though that it seems to be filled with magma. It can, for example, be a chuck of a planet which exploded after a destabilised core, or it could have had some flammable gasses in it, being ignited because it was too close to the sun, could be lots of things actually. But ye, ur right, it's most probable that it's frozen ^^
you should watch deep impact spree. nice movie about asteroids colliding into the earth. not as good as armagedon though but still nice. shows how a 1 mile across asteroid if it hits the sea will create a tidle wave miles high and travel at over 1000 mph.

if it wasnt for jupiter we would be hit by asteroids everyday.
QuoteIt will not blow apart, that's just cinema stuff

It depends on speed and angle of collision.

Quote The last impact of an object of 10 km or more in diameter was the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event 65 million years ago

It was 10km in diameter, and there was 500km in diameter in movie. I think it gonna really blow Earth apart if it's speed is high.
Well it can be calculated so you don't have to think...

Impact energy:
E =(roo*d^3 * v^2)/15982100


E: impact energy
roo: thickness kg/dm3
d: diameter m
v: speed km/s

The astrobleme caused by the impact can be calculated from:

D = 1.8 rp0.11 rt -1/3 g-0.22 L0.13 E0.22 (sin q)1/3

rp: asteroids thickness (for rock its 3000, iron 7800)
rt: material thickness kg/m3 (earth stone usually 2600 kg/m3)
g: gravity (earth 9,80m/s)
L: the hitting objects diameter
E: impact energy
q: impact angle

Earthquake caused by impact is:

M = 0.67 log10 E - 5.87

For example...

If asteroids diameter is 10km, then the impact energy would be 100million megatons. It would also leave a 200kilometer diameter hole (although when it collapses it will only be 70km), worldwire earthquake etc....
think all the emos are going wild now
love pink floyd <3
i'm not afraid off dying. anytime will do, i don't mind
erm living is more fun then beeing dead knullo
bah who says that? maybe there IS a paradise (not that i personally believe that but you'll never know)
er zijn toch ook geen eenhoorns man
gij hebt duidelijk nog nooit de film " the last unicorn" gezien e
nee:P bestaan ze toch wel?
The great gig in the sky <3
Dont scare the xfire users weedy <3
Heheh :) <3
i was expecting more LHC shit when i saw the title
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