wow players, REPORT.

okay, another random journal about a guy who knows shit about a games hes playing, here goes:
im searching for an instance/dungeon to go to, to buff my gear for mah rogue.
(lvl 19 horde)
excuse my poor english im in a hury
cant blelieve people still play wow
u have to believe !!
cant believe ppl still play et.
i guess in irc you have more chances to find some1
Go for BT ":D"

No but seriously, I hope you're joking about stuffing a <20 char.
oh plz, do tell me why.
i have a lvl 28 mage which im intending to do all teh dirty work whilst my rogue gets the gold, gear.
wow gets boring at times, atleast this gives me SOME motivation to keep on playing..
tnx for the help tho
focus on leveling, it's shit I know, but reach at least level 40 then start gearing yourself (not abusively, keep focusing on leveling)

At level 19, an item will be outdated in like what, 2 days , if you level at a decent rate
dunno if you understand my goal, im trying to get a twink lvl 19 rogue;)

ill give it a try tho, but all those q's are getting me confused;s.
which lvl must you be if you wnt to get pvp gear? (i mean with the honorpoints (or smthng).)
_afaik_ you can get honorpoints at any level higher than 10 (or was it 20?) , but don't bother hardcore-farming honor points under lvl 60, there's almost no gear you can get with honor points under level 60 :{
okay, tnx for the help & your time:)
plz, u post in ENEMY TERRITORY site that u r looking some instance group for WOLRD OF WARCRAFT
"Crossfire 3.0 - A gaming Community"

lol wut
Could say the same about ET:QW , CS:S , COD 4 , COD 2 ...
and they even those got better sites which r more into those games, if u ask me, crossfire is most in enemy territory scene
Yes but it's his right to talk about any games in a JOURNAL.

That's my opinion
agree with that but looking group for instance?! i posted site where he can find one faster o,O

edit: oh i misread his journal..... so he is looking dungeon where he wanna go? but still in u can find it faster^^
He's probably a partisan of the Asking-before-Googling thing, it's understandable !
well, youre quite right.
tho, i mentioned im in a hury, and xfire is the only site where i know "my way".
okey then:)
Barrens, next to one of the oasis'. Can't remember the name, though, you're probably too low for it.
he's almost too high for it. it's 15-20 afaik
Depends if he's going alone. I'd say he was just about the right level as long as he's careful.
Funniest LFG request ever :D
i had 3 lvl 70s but i quit

if you're lvl 19:

Wailing Caverns (Barrens, Kalimdor, HORDE TERRITORY)
Shadowfang Keep (Silverpine Forest, Eastern Kingdoms, HORDE TERRITORY)
The Deadmines (Westfall, Eastern Kingdoms, ALLIANCE TERRITORY)
Blackfathom Deeps (Ashenvale, Kalimdor, CONTESTED TERRITORY)

edit: for all infio about dungeons:
sell them , you can probably make a months work off them =)
i did

got 275€ for it
hardly a months pay but still , pretty nice
it's all i could get for it.

with wow's current status of itemization... it's very decent
wat voor chars had je? en hoe was hun gear?
Yes really, gaming community is about gaming, WoW is gaming.

why u be hatin
hes right.
if he was wrong my journal would be deleted..
dunno what your saying
zwaar leven hé.
you dont need blues or crap to lvl up in wow imo, game is easy just lvl up you will outlvl your gear fast at lvl 19 anyways
i want to twink my lvl 19.
If you want it for pvp, then you would probably lvl up if you go to any instance at lvl 19 :/, but anyways at that lvl go to blackfathom deeps (BFD)
that would be unlogical wouldnt it, leveling a lvl 19 whilst my goal is to make it a lvl 19 twink;p
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