Walcott hatrick!!!

image: _41706210_walcott_getty

even with 11 men we looked the better side.
I love it how everyone hates england :D:D makes it all that much sweeter.

Absolutely OWNED

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19 years old and pwning, just like rooney in his times :~D
cough "ronaldo" cough
at the age of 19, ronaldo was a show pony :D
at the age of 23 hes the best player in the world
thats not 19
at the age of 23, he is still in the race for doucebag of the universe..
except in big games
Er was it the european cup final he scored versus chelsea or was i a little bit drunk by then and confused it for some small game?
He did nothing else for the remaining 90 minutes and he missed his penalty.
Right so we established that in the biggest game in european football he scored a pretty important goal and ended up on the winning team?

Still think that isn't a bad return in a season were he scored was it 42 goals?

Please name the 'big game' player that did better this year?
Now u sir i have to say made me lol in a good way
haha :DDDD:D Nicky is the man, agree
+ penalty vs barcelona
Er was it the european cup final that he missed a penalty and almost lost the cup for united, or was i a bit drunk?
yeah terry's a terrible player defends well against wigan then in big games misses a penalty
Only the immature tuirn a football conversation from its subject to another player of another club. If you cant keep on subject, ask yourself why.
The subject is very relevant you claim ronaldo doesn't perform in big games, Terry who is a very good player and does perform in big games also missed a penalty in the very same game, which even costed them the champions league gold. Fact remains players can never always be on form and Ronaldo does perform in big games just like Terry regardless if they missed a penalty or not.
You chose a Chelsea player because they are my club or because you are incapable of accepting Ronaldo's short comings, you pick which. Ronaldo doesnt play well in big games, its not because I dislike him or man united its because its a fact. He doesnt perform against Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool nor in BIG European ties, the mature football fan will accept that regardless of their allegiances and not turn back onto the other persons club.
If you were to turn it back onto Chelsea your best argument would be, well wouldnt you rather have Ronaldo play great against the other 15 clubs in the premiership than Drogba who often can only get himself up for the big games and you'd be right.
England = EK WK team
shame you only beat them when it doesnt rly matter
It matters a lot! We've been playing shit lately, to beat a team like Croatia at home is very good news for us.
The last time England lost to Croatia was ina qualifier match on the road to an ec. In this time on the road to a wc. Your logic doesn't make sense.
theres still loads of games left till the end of qualifying the first games are obviously important but wont affect anyone too much
3 points take always the same effect. :P Wahtever...
Quoteshame you only beat them when it doesnt rly matter

and you have been living in England for 5 years?
slang couldnt care less tbh
2 easy - like i said months ago when the groups were announced - revenge is sweet :)
walcott underated
I guess every victory is reason for a party for the English squad.
who is walcott
hmm...seems he is a good player
wow! english players are so cool! i enjoyed their game at euro 2008.
oh wait..
We would have played more then 1 game at Euro 2008 you retard!
as I said, too bad you have to play 11v10 to beat someone like that, fuck you even had to lotto it to the max to score your first goal, and all that are saying stuff about revenge should think twice would they win in the end if they remained with 11
We were the better side with 11 you fucking idiot....
I don't know what match you have been watching but you're so wrong, all you did was hold the ball and do shit with it, but I'm guessing you can't be objective anyway, being english and all
Yeah, we did nothing with the ball but score 4 goals. N1
yes, you did nothing, tell me one chance that you had before scoring the first lotto goal, just one? and after ignoring the one immediate after, tell me another chance before the red card? any somewhat serious team would score after the opposite team loses their player so what exactly are you proud about? you englaks are really pathetic
Before 1st - Penalty, stonewall.
Red Card - Freekick from Lampard which keep scrambled.

what penalty? what stonewall? and if you call lampards fk a chance no wonder you're pleased with win like this
The one where Kovac was hugging Heskey and he couldnt get around him?

Ofc Lampards free kick was a chance. It was just outside the box, and had the keep scrambling across his goal...

Lol your so pathetic.....
WHAT? that a penalty? what the hell, england full of girlies?

poor englaks
If someone has their arms around a player and that player cant get to the ball, it's a foul. Go learn football mate. Your so boring
k, now you have proven that you're not qualified to talk about football, see you later
it apparently doesn't work, look, you're still here
repeating is the mother of wisdom

or in this case, mother of stupidity
anytime soon, this spray will work.

anyone got the email or the creator of this spray? Apparently it doesn't stop trolls with braindamage
yep, you're proving it every time you post

dude, you're not fun at all, you're making it too easy for me to flame you, come on, put some effort into it!
on the contrary, you are proving my point. Stop replying, and you will win this discussion, if you don't stop replying you will prove my point yet again.
you don't have a point though, you're having random attempts at flaming people but you're not good at it so you leave yourself open for attacks and it's so easy, like playing with a child, requires no effort
Yep we was 1 - 0 up, and we still looked the better side
teh red card was completly correct.

4 - 1 OWNED
you're just a seriously retarded person, but I'm guessing that's standard among english people

read my reply to skydeh you ignorant idiot
Are we a tad upset?
upset? no, I don't have anything to be upset about

but I am tired of moronic people talking to me
It seems so. You keep replying idiotic comments...

If your tired of talking to moronic people, why are you replying?
problems? I never said I am tired of talking to moronic people, just tired of moronic people replying to me

seeing as you're from england you should understand english
Nope. Im 1/2 jew 1/2 jamaican
I lolled so hard
Where you been hiding? :D
lolol you obviously dont no anything about football reading your recent comments.. and your 30? hahahahhahahaha aint gunna reply to any of your comments now as there totally pathetic


4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 THEO THEO THEO
I think it's you who doesn't know shit about football, if you weren't english you'd watch this through different eyes

I'm not 30 you totally stupid spastic retard

you're almost as fake as joe cole!
"I'm guessing you can't be objective anyway, being english and all"

Just out of interest, are you claiming that your being objective? And is there even such thing as objectivity? No need to answer just ponder if you like...

I have nothing to gain by one of those teams winning and I watched the match as a neutral watcher
Well I'm sorry I have to disagree, I don't believe there is such a thing as objectivity. Even in journalism, where objectivity and 'remaining neutral' is strived for and highly regarded, it can not be achieved and this view is shared by many high profile people in the industry.

Given that the meaning of objectivity is “not influenced by personal feelings or opinions", I'll ask you again, are you being objective?
yes, completely objective
Well then your talking complete tripe as there's no such thing as objectivity...

HAHAH DanL, Komar FUCK OFF :Ddddd

But seriously, England were the better side. Sending off was justice really looking at J.Coles' head. Heskey was our best player and we had a goal that was disalowed for no reason. Back 4 looked solid and players like Modric and Olic never showed up. Unlucky, but Englands day!
you know what's the difference between you and us? we never gloated with our wins and you couldn't see me especially gloat with them, they were just another wins for us
You lieing bastard, last time you beat us, you gloated to fuck :D
I didn't, you're full of it, ask antalis and anyone from bux if I even mentioned it once in a negative connotation
You did it in journals :D
ok, now you're really full of BS, I(as in ME, danL) surely never did, find me one
I'm not gonna go back through journals danL, that's pathetic. But you did, i remembered it and loved it when we drew you again.

But yeah, GG to Croats jumping up and down after being 4-1 down. Good support, much better then ours
I have no problems with pulling out logs, and I didn't like it when we drew you again because I knew you're gonna want revenge so I don't know who you're talking about
You and Komar were arguing with me about something. I can remember it... :D
not gonna talk to you anymore, no point
Ok babe, go drown your sorrows
there is no sorrow, this means absolutely nothing to me, qualifications are still long from over, for all I care you might end up out again so enjoy your superb 4-1 win
Oh danl, take a fucking break man. Pulling your leg :D
well played ! :-)
image: _45006497_walcotthattrick_pa416

TheOWNED !!!
nothing really special imo, 4-1 vs 10 people and with some lucky stuff that helped to score the goals


i have to say i'm not really surprised with the english reactions, didn't expect anything else
ahh another croatian to abuse :) we looked the BEST team even with 11 players, and we was 1 - 0 up. The first goal was dreadfull defending from your team.

"england is the best team ever on the whole planet, no one can match them and they are godlike, bla bla bla i'm an english wanker and twat etc lalalalilililolololwtfhax


eh, what?
owww, poor croatian :DDDDD chill man, its not your fault that croatia will fail
you know a link for the game highlights?
nah sorry. BBC aint even having MOTD on : /
When Shitenta took over, they payed an extra £1.5 mil to not allow highlights on bbc
Cause you did NOTHING when we went out of the euros :D
what? can you explain or something? :S
care journal detected. do not flame my care comment pls :(
go occupate northern ireland and scotland because england is allpowerful YARRR
Hey you were in elite right?


Great Britain used to own most of the world, well thats what wiki says.
no, I wasn't

yes, be proud of being the most aggressive and powerhungry nation out there, really something to be extremely proud of
We are the police force for the world, atleast we are doing somthing about this shit hole of a planet
that's what hitler thought also
You are surely getting England muddled up with the USA you muppet.BTW what is a englak? never heard that 1 b4 and stop hiding behind some bullshit flag and tell us what wonderfull 3rd world country you are from.
no, I'm actually not, england is the country that was equal to hitlers nazi germany, wanted to conquer everything and have the whole world to itself

and englak is just an english version of polak, you understand? I bet you won't since you're and englak obviously
Ok then so the British wanted and did to a large extent rule the world a couple of hundred years ago, so you have a gripe with British ppl now, that makes you 1 of the saddest twats ive come across, lets all hate ppl of Germany and Japan because of what there previous goverments did to ppl over 50 years ago, get a life you retard.
no, that makes you sad
The main focal pooint being " used to "
But just proves that anything is possible, and 10 men can beat 11 men.
Say goodbye to your unbeaten home record Croatia. 14 years unbeaten there, but now forever in your history books will be the name ENGLAND who smashed that record into oblivion!
This will be in wiki for ever!
you people really bother with weird stuff, actually england wasn't the first one to beat us there

just out of curiosity, who was the last that won against england on wembley? and who gave england their 1st loss on their new wembley?
I understand why the losers would find excuses to why they lost, for example we only had ten men. I have ade the same excuses in the past, but england were the better side on the day you can't deny that.. Maybe it will be a different story when we meet again
sorry, but do you see a single croat here making excuses? we're not quite bothered with the loss, it's like any other
drv4c on 10/09/08, 21:37:49 PM | Reply

nothing really special imo, 4-1 vs 10 people and with some lucky stuff that helped to score the goals


i have to say i'm not really surprised with

bye bye
that's not making excuses, that's laughing at all you english people acting like you won the WC by winning against us

actually makes me kinda proud ;)
Well considering that you had a great proformance in EC, and we have been crap over the last 18 months it should be something to be happy about.

Erm he is making excuses by saying 4-1 vs 10 people with some lucky stuff. So basiclly hes saying we only won becasue you had ten players and we were lucky.
you slightly misunderstood him, but if you take a look at it as a neutral bystander, it is kinda funny that someone is so happy over a win against 10 players and such a lucky start ;) if you gave us 4 goals while we were 11 no-one would even mention anything, this way it's a bit funny
I agree with you, can you agree with me one thing?

That Simunic plays dirty!!!
well he is the only player ever to receive 3 yellow cards in one match
You werent that much better in 1st half, or u werent much better at all and u cant say that first goal wasn't lucky...that card was supposed to be yellow card, as there was no intention to hit him, he was going for the ball, and yes,after that, in this kind of game we couldnt do anything. england's win was definitely deserved today, but that's it. see you @wembley, hopefully with eduardo in his old shape...till then,slightly shut your mouth, because after this hype Ii can only see you failing against kazakhstan/belarus
I agree with you, can you agree with me one thing?

That Simunic plays dirty!!!
he does,but hes good
i said that winning vs a team with 10 people and some help with first goal is not a great achievement, i don't give a fuck about our loss but this is ridiculous, english people are acting like they won something huge
I agree with you, can you agree with me one thing?

That Simunic plays dirty!!!
I agree with you, can you agree with me one thing?

That Simunic plays dirty!!!
I agree he plays dirty!
well well well, thanks to arsenal england finally wins with style
thank France Wenger & Italy capello for England win
raptus :)
these englaks make me sick inside
you are the only bright thing in this journaL
Makes me laugh some of the reactions on here, it just adds to the saying that football fans are fickle...
I knew my fellow Evertonian would have a clear view on this.

Good win though eh?
Haha, yeah it was a good win. But so annoyed with the media, before the game they were building it up like some sort of WC final and I bet tomorrow the newspapers will be shagging the arses of the players whom less than a week ago were slating them. I hate the media :O
Ofc and all the histeria will be piled on that we're going to win the WC this time for sure

and back on goes all the pressure for the players :<
haha idd, who would ever thought football being this predictive :P
Its 1 game weve won against decent opposition so dont get too exited, ffs no wonder ppl cant wait to see us fail with some of the tripe that gets posted,its the tabloids that usually big us up to be something were not and now some of you are cus we win 1 game,suppose some of you now think we,ll win the next WC, stop with the annoying bragging,sure enough it,ll come back an smack you in the face the way our overpaid pampered stars have played lately.
100% Agree, and they wonder why when England do fail there are loads of anti England posts and it certainly gives the English a bad name. All (yes this includes English and Croats) football fans are the same, they brag and gloat when winning and hide and make excuses when losing.
I admit we are not very good. But beating a ranked 5th in the world unbeaten at home for 14years croatian side, u gotta rave :D:D
Yeah it is a good achievement, but its the whole way people go from no confidence in the team to thinking they could beat anyone. It's gonna take more than one good performance to convince me anythings changed in the English camp.
The team is building in confidence thats all that matters. We will see next game how things pan out. But they will be going into it with alot more passion i would imagine. Cappello is a good manager.
Passion you say? Most of those players don't know what passion is. Majority of them don't look interested in playing for England, I bet most of them (imo there's only 4/5 who don't) have the same mentality playing for England as Jaime Carragher did...
you're wrong, they lost a match at home few months ago against holland
see my last journal, i do believe i was lampooning england for winning when we're really not allowed to on account of being godawful :(
a bit lucky with the first goal but everything else deserved. Capello did his homework very good. I hope that english journalists won't get cooky again. Learn from your mistakes. In all sports from syncronized swimming to football we always tend to lose when we are the favorites, i guess we are used to being the underdogs so we lose our head when it's the other way around.

Skydeh ofcourse i was gloating after our wins because the biggest issue before the games for you were who was going to score a hat-trick. Roney or Robinson?
I fucking love you Komar :D
where do I send my donations to Joe Cole's recovery? it was obviously a huge hit because he fell down like he was struck down by an MG42
No way, you can't get a hs on a MG42...
very well played, England

ps. referee was excellent giving the red card, whoever thinks opposite (lots of people) is an idiot.
May I ask you for _autogram_? :)
stop asslicking, the red card should have been a yellow card, it would've been on any other match but the referee got scared seeing all that blood and felt obliged to pull out a red

that is a yellow card offense, the hand was above the head and not directed into the head making it a yellow only
agreed, that red card was the joke of the day
Croatia coach Slaven Bilic has described his teams defeat last night as a catastrophe - but hailed England, their conquerors, as probably the best in Europe

even croatia agrees with me.. sorry :(
show me a direct quote of him saying that, that's just bullshit made up by english press, even the croatians said he didn't say it, you fucking english moron
tbh I was surprised about the result, but Im not so surprised about the reaction to it.

I didnt watch the game, so cannot really comment on the performance, I know the main details - 1-0, Croatia sending off, 2-0, 3-0, 3-1 and 4-1 giving Wallcott a 19 year old his first International Hattrick.

Given that England as a football team have played not just badly for the last qualification, but fairly poorly for about the last 6 years, ever so slowly rolling into the non-qualification of Euro2008 this is a great result for England, no matter what the performance was like, no matter what the opponent played like... you can ONLY beat who you play and England did that hopefully something that can be built on.

Best news is that Capello doesnt seem to be one to just stick with the bigger names, and willing to give new, and older "tossed" away names a go. (Defoe, Heskey etc.)

Croatia may not have played well, they may have had 10 men, but we could have used these sort of excuses when we lost in the qualis for euro2008 and the flack that England fans got off not just Russian and Croatian supporters, but pretty much anyone who want to kick a team when they were down - but we didnt need to it was VERY obvious we played badly just from the results... Its not so obvious looking at tonights result.

Its a good start, but there are 8 more games to go, and I can see Croatia and Ukraine being there until end in this group.
I agree some people in this journal just cant take it we outplayed them =]
you totally missed the point of what I said.

if we outplayed them or not, the final result is all that matters, and is all that will be drawn from by Capello - I have a feeling he is a great man manager and will tell people bluntly where they went wrong, but say we can do better than this against better teams and then just remind them about the result ;)
erm dude england national team just sucks and u know it
Yep they are but this is a good result :) we will see if capello and the team can carry this on :D:D
well they should have a great team tbh (the players) weird it never worked out
It was a good game for England and the fans, it was a moral booster for both and hopefully injected some fire back into the game for us. Theo proved to the fans that he can perform under pressure at international level, good on him.

Yes if Croatia had managed to keep 11 men on the pitch it may have been a different scoreline but it appears they couldn't keep a cool head and their wild challenges resulted in a deserved red card.

We have played like arse for the last few years and this kind of win against a good team away is something to celebrate. If people want to bitch/laugh about our joviality at this then np, afterall its the interent....it's serious business.
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