wot i did to day #2

today i went to town to buy some socks, the sky was grey, i was refused a claim on a bus ticket credit note for £5 from 2005, and refused a £2.82 cheque from a phone company issued in 2006. then i played et till stupid o'clock, had a wee and went to bed. i was both intrigued and satisfied with the days events.
Today i woke up far to late. I got out of bed around four oclock then lazed about for a while, i made some toast and banana and then surfered the internet ofr a while. I then had a shower and proceeded o t make myself some chicken and chips followed by the scotland game. Afterwards, my friends came over adnd we had a few drinks and then went to the club. I had an awesome wednesday, goodnight crossfire <3
wow you're fast! i just woke up.
i pretty much slept and did my homework and now ready to go to school
i tried to understand all proofs for some theorems whole day long and now i do the same shit again :(
thankyou for replies. latest installment added.
my day just lightened up :)
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