happy birthday............

to me, working on your birthday sucks :(
happy birthday
hb to: kovalek1, Aerox, fanaa, cocklord, Xone, 2High4You, yoop, tolarz, randomnoobie, rioisi, Koks, tet, nashmofo, mem, vieja, sTaziu, stv, blazerek, Heebleh, raefax, mistry, Heeble, Scholten, doowie, hansje, ferda, Zigurat, slinger, coKestar, Froop, NordlunD, senn, DeADly, Wetter, evil, ConZy, outBreak, mickStah, kNIfe, 1ns4n1tY
i did it last year hb to you !
Hey Gen, wher the fuck u been?
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