Pics of new house

Just started renting this place with some m8s. Still need to move a lot of shit and buy decorations blah (thats why my room is looking a bit bare). There are many more rooms + garage but i couldn't be bothered to to take more photos. What do ya think?

cause ppl are curious = £1495/month (6bedroom)
looks nice
looks nice
hf in it :D
nice house really
looks very nais
im jealous XD
with _mates_? that place is fucking awesome!!
Nice ::DDDD
wtf nice house :)

next crossfire lan @ ur place?! :O
how much $$?
you guys sellin' drugs or smth ?
jnz need them to live :D
You realy need to get a new TV :D
Wtf, you have a washing machine in the kitchen? :--D

Looks pretty decent according that you're only 21!
That's pretty normal in foreign countries. ^^
Ye, seems so. But I still find it pretty adventious since we have an external room for home dutys :l
yes indeed. :D i have been thinking the same so many times in the past. :D
Washing machine in the kitchen is normal United Kingdom here {:
you must have spent loads of money

else, you mate, are a business man :D
you r lucky
i guess u wont play basketball on the grass :D
after few days with you and your mates, this place will look like a pig place :D

i already counted 27 options to kill you all with a bomb
Where are you from? I might consider a moving :)

How much you pay for it, all in all and per person?
£1495 a month :P
but 6 bedroom
cheapest room = £45 a week
2 most expensive rooms = £65 a week
And you're all buddies? Would be fucking awesome if I got to move in with my mates for <200 quids a month. Wait. I'd have to live with my mates then :/
Good luck with new home
the toilet is pwnage!°! ;oo
looks nice where is it?
is he english? must be in a fairly meh area otherwise would cost mega bucks
rich parents or big mouth...

awwww nice <3 hf in it :P
dam you must be loaded, you got a high paid job or rich parents? ncie house for a young adult rly. if you can afford that sort of house wtf are you doing on crossfire xDDD
I dont get it. :D

What is the connection between you have a good house and visiting xfire ?
looks ok, but... dont you have an automatic dishwasher?
Is there a big difference between a dishwasher and an automatic one?
yes we do it is to the right of the washing machine (fitted)

so everything looks nice. grats :p
cool how much $?
wtf the real world [ insert your town here ]

just wtf how rich you gotta be :X
nice house ;)
real nice place :D how much do u have to pay for it ?
£1495 month
but 6 bedroom / 6ppl paying
omg, thats cheep for a house, 250 each :)
omg, love this place
£1495/month wth are you kiddin me? BRAT :D

yeah tbh it looks like a killer place.
congratz for getting that apartment
my parents dont pay for anything ;)
my god what a lucky guy you are :D

if that is the minimum of just anything, i'm living in nowhere with no hope to see anything ever!
rly nice

where abouts is that place?
really nice place :D

My swimming pool at my uni house.
tbh if thats a bench on the left of it, it looks about the size of a paddling pool.
lol beautiful crumbs xD btw what uni?
birmingham, were paying bout 250 each a month and ours looks alot smaller tha urs (5 persons) yours a student house ?
well its never been rented before, but we r all students yeh
yeah its some awful pond, nicknamed the dick shaped pond (cleverly)
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