dell computers

A friend of mine wants to buy a new computer , he asked me if dell was good...
since i don't know alot about dell i'm asking all of you nerds

EDiT: not a laptop

EDiT: i gave hime as advice ( since i bought mine from there ) , any bad experiences with that ?
no, you pay way too much
Depends what computer it is :)
building one is cheaper and more fun if u aint talking about notebooks
yeah they are good but expensive and it takes really long be4 u get it, they say yeah because we are so pro we cant handle all the orders and it takes 2 weeks longer
paying about 200€ just for the name: dell.

If it's a non-gaming PC, buying a DELL will work out cheaper than builiding it. However if it's a gaming pc, no; build it yourself.
Build it. Cheaper and more fun \o/
dont, dell is fucked up -___-, way to expensive and shit if you have something kaput
There is nothing wrong with azerty, i ordered some hardware there a time ago.
package computers are utter bullshit. building one is way better. if you can't do it by yourself, get someone who can.
azerty ftw

dell are soooo bad unless you pay them loooooots of moneh

pretty alright for laptops tho i spose.
normal dell pc = office :X

and the XPS-Desktop PC's are way toooo expensive

dell bad
just don't take it, XPS its the same as Alienware.. way too overpriced boxes
agree :)
Yeah its good, I got mine for free :) (from dads work)
Every HP is broken after 5 months of use. Cheap plastic!
Noob gij !!!! :D
zie mar dak een goude cupke hem jom
no no no. dont buy dell. notoriously difficult to upgrade
dell is good, but overpriced for what your buying, not worth it. if hes not buying a laptop he should just build it - rly not hard to do
I have a XPS pc and I love it:D
I don't have HP, collage mates have.
I see you know the best way of breaking computers. Do you clean USB ports before bringing your computer every second day for repair? :)
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