HB to Green_Clon

HB To my best ET friend... He learned me what is timing ETC THX

Happy Birthday to: wufeishen, gwennorks, inss, Alldeath, toppzor, ToPPe, nordis, acc, winAct, chiq, Lohengreen, crazYuK, Danster, asmx11, WANT3D, b1ba, bravoo, avejorrox, vasquez22, ThePharaoh, TPR, G0A, e4x, VaZalla, iMo_OmfG, rEdstOrm, veracious, cnf, [NeT]Shadow, iceexo, joca, Silent, crajsor, mika, Taavet, b1eh, nordaN, chrisalo, icee

image: 88

Now a must go on basketball tournament cu @ sunday !
happy birthday !
happy birthday !
he learned you well

ye i know =)
HB <33333 :*
no school?

yeh i know, that happens when i am not trying hard enuff :(
not now :< too lazy tbh
He didn't learn you anything.
Thanks you all! Especially to Resp, who made this journal <3
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