deathadder or mx518

So im away to order a new mouse today,

either a deathadder or a mx518

so which is better for a low sens user ?

p.s Hi snipo & cupper!
i use deathadder
elo blitz!
I prefer DA over my mx518 =)
mx518 works fine for me
mx518 for sure
I used to love my mx518, but it was broken quite fast.
my razor diamondback is nice, too. and still working
so I guess razer > logitech
=> deathadder > mx518 :D
It's the other way around, Logitech > Razer.
DA has the slightly better sensor. You won't notice the difference though (unless you need 2 meters for a 360 or something).

Take the one with the better shape for you.
Just to clear things up the DA isnt laser?
Its optical
Ah thats good cheers :)
what about IME 3.0? how good is its sensor :D
with lowsens its not good
how come :o
the sensor is not fast, if you move your hand fast it cant follow

was the same problem with 1.1, best shape and weight but unfortunatelly it cant handle the fast speed
i had the same kinda problem with my G5, but never with 3.0. Although i dont really have that low sens anyways.
It is actually quite ok with 500hz. Running it on 125hz is quite impossible with low sens as it has huge negative acceleration. Still doesn't go crazy like those laser craps :p
better sensor? if I need to move the mouse (deathadder) extremely fast, it makes that random jump. never had that problem with my mx518.
Hm, I've never experienced that problem with the DA or the MX518. The Esreality review also shows that it still has a normal response up to 2.2 meters/s at 450 dpi. On 1800 dpi even up to 3.8 meters/s.

The MX518 makes it up to 2 meters/s at 1600 dpi.

Might be either your mousepad or maybe a faulty mouse or something. I really didn't experience anything like this with the DA. :-)
lael, it must be faster than 2,2m/s then! still strange mx518 didn't do it. this mousepad in good shape etc :L
they are both the same
Nice changing your comment :D?
my goal is to confuse people



and, of course the best shape it is the deathadder's one
1st had a mx518, died quite fast so i bought another one, after that one died(in about a year time) i bought a deathadder and fucking loved it, worked without any problems but eventually the cable got damaged and it didnt work anymore(died in the middle of a war -.-), now i went to the store(since i was in a hurry) there were no deathadders, so i bought diamondback, which felt weird in the beginning but i like it now - i just dont like the extra buttons on the side, they're not that comfortable.

so i'd go for a deathadder over mx518.
what the fuck do you do with your mice :D
my mx518 is still alive after 2 years
well u pet it, feed it, give it a gentle bath and everything.
and if it has a nice ass you fuck it
who wouldn't :"(
i got like 2 mouses in my life and thats already your 4th ^^
my guess is that i've played games more than you aswell? :P
not that many i suppose :P
oh shush u yerman!
kk :(
i'm going to sleep now anyway,gn8!
did your cruel parents force you to have a midday nap now too? :O
nope i was simply tired :S
Go to the shop and take both in ur hand, chose the one that feels te best.

listening to other who just say mx518/DA is the best because they use that one has no use.

I got a MX518 and picked it because I don't like the shape of the deathadder, but maybe you like the shape of the deathadder more.
i live in scotland, shops dont sell mice i have to order haha
thats sucks, well most shops here don't have decent mouses also but a few have. And only 1 or 2 does have show mouses which you can actualy touch without having to ask somebody of the shop.
Scotland still owns my friend!
"I don't like the shape of the deathadder"

i guess you'r the 1st one who says this :<
i dont like either. too small
Razer Deathadder : 128x70x43 mm
Logitech Mx518 : 130x70x36 mm

which is too small ? In fact DA is larger than Mx518 because those 2 mms + in length doesn't count as much as those 7 mms count in width . :<
Logitech G5 / mx518

I had alot of problems with the precious laser mice ;< (broken cables etc)
Can anyone tell me why I cant set 1000hz with DA ? I use winxp.
My recommendation would be to update the drivers and firmware. Although I think you did that already ;-) If that don't help you, visit some forums. maybe other guys have the problem too! you can visit razerzone as well, they have a forum and you can ask via an email the sellers too.

Hope it will help you, at least a bit ^^
use 500, it's almost the same, i also get a very unstable hz (4000-200-600-5000-1000-300 wtf :X) when i set 1000 with any mice :/ though i remember my old copperhead worked perfectly @ 1000hz on my previous winxp installlation
a4t x7 ( XL-750F ). best mouse :-)
mx518 > deathadder
the one which feels better in your hands..sensor is not the thing here (both mice have good sensors), so I'd recommend you to test them in a well equipped pc store
DA rocks... skillboost
my saitek pm12a has been working for 5 years now
And again another mouse journal. How many posts does it take before it sinks in that a mouse is personal preference.
Can I have your config?!?!?!?!?

What mousepad do you use, what mouse and what windows sens. do you have?
Can I have your config?!?!?!?!?

What mousepad do you use, what mouse and what windows sens. do you have?
it's all about shape
Good thing that crossfire has a search button dont u think !
got both now

mx518 is better i guess.
I'd go for a mx518, not because of the technique, but just for the shape :)

just go to some store and check them both, the one that better fits your hand is the right one for you.
I got my Deathadder some days ago. Had a mx518 before. It's kinda the same, but I like the shape of the DA more.
lüg nicht. du spielst mit einer ratte nicht mit einer maus...
ill trust you!
c o p p e r h e a d !
fakin scotish :<
my way to say fuckin:-(
deathadder if you like/can handle overreactive correction/prediction, otherwise mx5xx will do.
go to a shop and ask for a test.. it realy depends on your personal "feeling" with the mouse and how you like it
oke koodari :D
low+ maks koodeil
If You're not a homosexual or a cripple, then MX518 is the choice.
deathadder ofc.
noooob. MX518 for sure
That's why you suck so hard with rifle! :p
but still pwn you with damage :P
mx 518 for sure
mise are overrated, touchpad > *
Deathadder ofc, the one and only =D
microsoft ball mouse
mee pois :( oot paska, vieläpä koodeil :( kyl se nurkan takaa sujuu mutta ei muuten =(
siel se itse moron asialla
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