LHC hacked

old (for me at least http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/MUczEA7tJSU/article.pl )
people should really stop messing with what they have no clue about...
Was going to say old too, though I almost never do. :o
Oh ok i admit, it was me sorry, do you forgive me?
okey now we're all gonna die
i hate those people who all cry and say "were all gonna die" well im pretty sure we will NOT. you know, its gonna be like very shiny and bright and thats all, nothing more. after 1 second or whatever it will be over with this fucking collider shit!

still i think humanity is too interested in things where they might leave their hands off...they should just leave the things be like they are now, the world is gonna end sooner or later anyway, so why speed up the process of technology and kill it even ealier?

pure retardism.
Intellectual curiosity. I'd die to see genesis proven wrong.
I'm quite certain that the inner network of that thing is separated from the internet. Anything else would be completely retarded.
Apparently not:
QuoteScientists working at CERN, the organization that runs the vast smasher, were worried about what the hackers could do because they were "one step away" from the computer control system of one of the huge detectors of the machine, a vast magnet that weighs 12,500 tons, measuring around 21 meters in length and 15 meters wide/high. If they had hacked into a second computer network, they could have turned off parts of the vast detector and, said the insider

Someone at slashdot said it is because they have it linked to universities/research firms/supercomputers to handle all the data...
But not the control stuff? that'd be stupid
pffff this is bullshit. CERN is unhackable, those crazy brits should stop talkin about stuff that they dont know.
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