
Does anybody here play Go/chess? If so, where do you play?

I'm starting to re-learn Chess and for the first time learn how to play Go

If anyone is up for a game on FICS or KGS let me know @ query or #lobbyoflove (also our starcraft home). I suck right now but I want to get better :)

http://www.freechess.org/ (recommend babaschess as a client)
I learned Go once

probably forgot about it now
id play you but i don't think it'll be very fun (since i suck)
I think I've played less than 10 games of chess in the last five years :(
no, i didnt
I play chess from time to time; cards are more time consuming for me.
just came from a party
dont wanna see something like gaychess
Had fun? Got drunk? Seen a few chicks? Stabbed a few whites because they subconsciously insulted your religion? Got laid?
yes, a bit ,yes some, no, whats laid `?
After drugging an unsuspecting white girl you violate her and take her wallet, maybe even flatten her tires for her with your handy dandy stolen pocketknife. When you've done that, you got laid.
dont think that ive done that...but nice that u ask :>
No problem.
can you teach me how you do it please?
ask ur god...he knows eveyrthing
I've been playing chess 'for fun' on and off for 14 years now :(

image: check
I played loads in primary school/beginning of highschool, it all started when i must've been about 8/9 or something and started playing against a computer, I still how awesome it felt to finally beat it... and quite scarily I think it would probably beat me now since I haven't played in so long, despite being 8 years older. :(
Nobody in my primary school/most of my classes in comp knew how to play chess =(
played chess competitive few years when i was still young, if you really into it you should watch some top chess videos, gives really new and refreshing ideas how to play it
do u have links? I like chess
yes Nyke
im pretty good at chess, atleast i was smoking weed and doing nothing in college made me worsei think :< and i dont have the patience for it anymore
whats the "go" about your post?
edit: I like to play chess, but didnt play it for a while now
go is a game
only know chess :)
playok.com - nothing better for chess online
Play me, tactics9 on room kalnik. Anyone join?
playok.com - nothing better for chess online
wdf cant connect there for some reason
Have Java installed?
ye ofcourse, i play on playok regularly.. it just didnt allow me to connect there and when it finally did it showed there was noone there.
Join now, but I'm getting tired cause it's 3am here. :/
room loznik, other one is full
Haha, making this post while lagging out in our game. Amazing wireless. :P
It still beats my mouse :3
Nope, that's my 2 wireless timeouts to your 1 mouse slip. :D Good games though. Still waiting for the lag to end, by the way!
Haven't played chess for long time. I used to be champion of my city and 4th of my country at my age.
few years ago I had pat against champion of Poland in live tournament.
Since then I play a lot lot less :(
I used to play chess, Champion under 12,14,16,school then just got bored and lost motivation to play it, thanks ET.
many (ex-)chess players here :o
I can play it, but never did competitive.
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