from walkmans to ipods...

Music is very important in our lives, but not on this site, so i suggest to make a seperate music section with few categories:

1) a daily erased now playing thread
2) requests
3) discussing genres/songs/artists/albums
4) News: new album releases, upcomming shows etc
5) post your playlist

Discuss plz
its a gaming community, why should there be a music section?
Damn rifler!
for the same reason there's an off topic section
[+] (we need that 2)
and a sportsfilter
+1 sports filter
50% of this community are freaks and the other 49% are g33ks, so i guess no?! xD
and the last 1% stand for guys who are cool like me.
yep :)
you are the exact reason why i left %1 out of there!
Let's gather the musicians of crossfire and make a really lame crossfire song and play it live on CC5!
knock yourself out
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i think there should be a crossfire jukebox/radio where everyone gets to choose songs to play XD, and you r able to connect to the radio every 30 minutes to say something live :D, like: sup noob bitches !
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