Groningen [NL]

2 - 0 gewoon winnen vooral de 1-0 kankerbrute solo granqvist eigen helft!:D:D

We are the pride of the north!
goed bezig dus tegen utrecht
eskimos are the pride of the north so gtfo

no he has a static ip.
How did you get this? :o
what's your point?
Giving a happy birthday to yourself under a fake account is.... sad? :(
How do you know he didn't log into his account at his friends pc?
cos he got a static IP, if you search for pbbans he has about 10 pbbans, all with the same ip, same of CB he only used 2 ips since 2007
So? That has not a single thing to do with this. The ip of the Wzzrd venue matches pretty much anyone that went there cuz everyone logged into CF from there. Anyone that was at my place and logged into his CF account from my PC would having matching ip's with me as well. Arachon, irZ, TosspoT and hell even the original creator of CF mr raza himself is a match with my ip ( Should I not wish them HB from now on on CF?
Stick with the topic at hand. The pbbans have nothing to do with this shit. Either one of them could have logged into CF at the other guy's house and therefor have a matching IP on CF.
Why don't you use your admin powers and check his registration IP of the snder account? If he has the same ip as Malor's it means that its his fake account :~>
No, it doesn't. Seriously, are you mentally challenged? Just cuz his IP on CF matches that of the guy's account he is posting a HB journal for, does not mean it's a fake account. If you can't grasp such simple concepts as this then you really shouldn't be a part of CB's C&A.

Besides that, it's shit like this that proves once again why ppl hate you. You are trying to make fun of someone by saying how sad it is that he's posting a HB journal for himself, meanwhile you can't even proof if that's the case or not because you fail to see that an IP match to two different accounts does not mean it's the same person that runs both accounts. I'm not TosspoT, nor irZ, nor Arachon, nor Raza, and yet their accounts all match to my ip. See how simple it is?
Still even if he was at LAN (wow cheaters with 10 pbbans + fusenlist go to LAN?) or Snder went to Malor and created an account 3 months and 8 days ago, and is still sleeping over there since they got the same IP. and look who is talking about being most hated pls :D
You know, you could also simply say "hmmm you are right, it might not be him."
De Groene hel!
shut the fuck up
Wat een owner ben jij
Allemaal dankzij Luciano.
jeetje wat een boeiunde informatie kankerbruut!
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