wot i did to day #3

today i paid for and added loft insulation to family house only to discover that the government are giving grants to certain households for the very same thing. optimistically speaking i didn't waste my time: now some people will be warm and i have learnt a useful skill that will hopefully come in handy one day.

on the train home i tried to continue playing a mobile telephone game of Monopoly only to discover that i had to either rent or purchase the title to continue.

shame about that cheque and bus ticket.
today i slept till 9:15, then went for uberbreakfast with like 3 eggs and a huge appleckae, then went jogging for 1 hour afterwards i ate roast beef and after that i was on the footballfield
first watching some other team and then playing on my own

the gaps during that i filled with some passionated cf spamming :)

edit: while writing this there comes to my mind i haven't watched a single pr0n today so bibuy <3
This is just a test.

Wow, apparently editing dates appear under your post now!

Can't do anything to let it go away either, wow
New Achievement Unlocked!

Eagle Eye: First to spot new forum features.
keep editing! it'll go away eventually
keep up the good work squitsy - you are inspirational for all of us :)
you have to know him personally :)
omg squits <3
today gonna play football like yesterday but today there wouldnt be violant acts by some russian drunk ppl <.<

and i gonna buy the book for tomorrows test.

and i gonna paly a bit et (rifle [my new hope to reach sth :DDDD])
Today I start my new job so just had an awesome breakfast (waffles and beans with a nice England cuppa) then I shall be going for a skate this afternoon, have a wee and play some ET {:::::
gief some waffles :(

g2g to school now, have a nice day!
thankyou for replies. latest installment added.
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