Weirdest thing you photographed!

image: bgelh1

On a trip to Rome about 1.5 years ago I accidentally caught this ghost-like face on my camera. It wasn't there in one more picture I took and other people taking pictures from the exact same spot didn't catch it (afaik) (note, this was all after I saw this on the picture).

For the people not seeing it, it is in the keyhole (rather hard to miss though, but some people do however). It isn't a reflection :D
lol, nice
Photoshop! :<
2 girls who were holding 1 cup
reflection, obvious
scary :<<<<
That is actualy quite wierd, nice pic aswell.

but not as wierd as this.

image: haha
Holy, just take a look at that penis there. Eccentric
that's a piece of hair. things on top of the lens light up insanely.
Think that's a lens problem, I don't really know any that shows a penis on your photographs :OD
image: nofoodsjn8

image: dsc00013ej5
impact clan on tour

image: dsc00014zq8
some pub lol
quality pub lol
LOL that impact of london thing i see driving around all the time and makes me laugh :X
image: P9112661
took this one on thursday on a visit at my cousin and her child.
You gotta love this little bugger :D
dude, if that's what your relatives are like, i don't even wanna think what you might be like :D
finally you can now see who is the bitchs who are pussy and edits their comments every time
or who can't spell :/

k, edited around 30 times
must be dirt or smth that your flash scared away.
and why would you take a picture of a keyhole
that's the end of the tunnel. and those ghost picture are all epic fails..
spores, powder, reflections.... they are REAL
image: GhostWhispererTheComplete38158_f
she is cute tho ;\
Not weird, but nerdy for sure.

Car with plate number "1337" and other one with "WTF". First one was parked in front of my apartment building, and later I randomly saw it in other city parked near some random house. I have an eye for number 1337.

Also interesting picture I got was pair of "In Rainbows" stickers right below train's window. Why it is interesting for me? I was going to work in early morning, went to train station, waited for train, get into random cabin (was totally empty) out of 8, sit on a random seat out of 40~ , drove past few stations, lowered my eyes and there it was, right in front of me.

All while listening to Radiohead's In Rainbows album on my player. In a country where I have never seen a poster or sticker of any (normal?) band, only swear words, rap gangsta names and graphical images of penis drawn everywhere. Chance of me seeing that sticker on that particular train, cabin and seat while listening to album...

Was a holy shit lotto moment for me. Also improved my mood for quite long :)
I've seen plenty of number plates with ET team tags on there. TAG, CWG, KKC and stuff like WTF etc D:
i saw one with HSK just this morning :P (hohespielkultur is german rtcw team)
"TAG Team" noor & juice while a LAN-semi-final :)

image: pro
image: ufo12 is mine btw
photoshop skills :D
noone has a shadow but the UFO :)
+ edges of the ufo are to obvious, no crater, the guy in the photo isnt even taking pictures of that ufo + people wouldnt be reading/looking down + ufo still totally intact etc etc :D
thx, I would have believed without your help
knew it, polish explains
you're an idiot :D
Found it pretty funny, when I took it :D

image: lawl
nice having a dusty keyhole
image: dscn5131oe6


kinda weird right?
is that the biggest nightclub in malta? :D
Didn't know that Malta looks more poor than Poland :D!
nah, its just that ghosts live in abondoned places.
mwahaha tahts the evil pic that i took! :>

image: 1l4dze2u0bgdn76tdpl
what the fuck kinda sick place is that :O
its german bunker in Poland Miedzyrzecz :>
that foot, is just z0mg nasty!
on the way to munchies lan...
image: 308fgg6
taking pics in moving cars isnt easy :(
you were in more than one car at the same time?!!! ;OO?
image: casperlhx8

its casper! how can that be freaky?
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