wot i did to day #4

today i cooked some pasta with onions, garlic, mushrooms and carrots. these vegetables were at least three days out of date (especially the carrots) so naturally this caused me some mild flatulence, however, food is very expensive these days so i suffered the noise for the sake of my pocket.

then i ate two oranges and a satsuma for desert. the oranges i carefully cut into segments, as people of a distinguised character are supposed to do, like football coaches for example.
Interesting, keep us up to date
flatulences are great!
<3 Squits
imo you can share this kind of messages in irc.
does some1 wanna write my german test? 4hours about some shortstories ....
we need more engrish
i fucking cant wait for #5
haha squitsy, what excitement will day 5 bring?!
I start to like your monday food collumns - - - always good tips thereby!!!
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