CoD 6 wat


Activision Blizzard’s Analyst Day, company CEO Mike Griffith confirmed that Infinity Ward is developing Call of Duty 6.

There are, however, conflicting reports on a date for the game. Gama’s reporting 2009, while Destructoid - and others - have posted a 2010 date.

Apparently both years were mentioned in presentations from Griffith and Acti-Blizz super-boss Bobby Kotick.

Expect some clarification in the next few days.


what a jerkoffs, money over decent gameplay, but ok i won't even try it.
yeah, these are the same guys that are going to triple the number of guitar hero games by 2010, they expecto to have at least 2 new titles of the series by 2009 /: and + charge extra for online play in cod4(at least on consoles)
damn.. it's just sick,they are developing these series too fast,i mean,i just got into 4 and now there is coming 5 and 6. lohol
yeah and I quit 4 when CoD5 was announced, hoping it were going to be more like cod2.. so now I dont know what to do XD(sad)..
just play what u like ... ?
yeah but cod2 is kinda death /:
its as dead as ET, playable. less money competitions, but easier to find a war, which shouldn't matter anyway if you love the gameplay and play it for fun.
more of the same!! yay!!! pls just keep playing the game you like and don't switch if you don't like cod5/6.

Like The ET people did with ET:ShitWars
doesn't work in cod scene apparently... since everyone switched to cod4 from cod2 for some fucking reason
then don't play games where the gamers only care about the money and the fame.
Every CoD game is a remake of the last, while ET:QW is a totally new game. Can't really compare them.
yeah,totally new copy of bF genre :O)
so? they tried to get the ET people to ETQW, they failed.

And don't tell me CoD == CoD2 == CoD3 == CoD4, well all of them suck imho but they are different games!
So, tell me what the CoD games don't have in common besides having a bit upgraded graphics and guns with a different appearance but nearly the same behavior, player models and different maps?
well what else can you add in FPS game? besides of vehicles what blows ass.. -,-

ps. fallout 3 coming!!1 .))
Ah, I forgot every FPS game is like CoD, FPS is a type of game where no innovation is possible!


And yeah, Fallout 3 will be awesome :P
well enlighten me then,no need to get angry. :/

any info about the release day? :o :)))
Why do people always think I'm angry in my replies :(

Compare W:ET to ET:QW, and you will see two games in a series can have a lot of differences. Vehicles are an example, but also deployable turrets, the huge maps, the ranking system. Sure, it didn't end up like a game W:ET players liked, but still they did a lot of new things.

Now lets look on Call of Duty 4 (public, because clanwars are really a joke, having disabled most of the new things). First of all, there is a ranking system, again, then there's sprint and cookable nades, again, and air strikes, again... So yeah, I guess the un-lockable weapons and the choppers you can call in are new, however they came with the price of removing the CTF mode and still lacking a TV mode.

Fun fact, the "again" things were implemented in CoD:UO, which was made by Gray Matter (who also made RTCW single player), which is now part of Treyarch (the guys making CoD5)
I've heard they are already developing CoD1337 :(
r u sure? thatzz iz n1ce!!
the word super-boss is so ridiculous :P
I thought it was nice XD, it should be implemented in games :D
hucares, CoD:WaW looks awesome tbh and I'm sure CoD5 will just be as good. Still no ET beater though with regards to online team play :-)
yeah and perfect hitbox/graphics, ":-)"

"amAzing***" xD
Source for that information? ;o
videogaming247 ^^
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