
Hey guys,

I'm getting a new cellphone and I would like to know if any of you has this model:

image: W902FrontwithheadsetsVolcan

Sony Ericson w902

Is it any good? I'm afraid that the interface might be abit laggy.

Would you have anything better to recomand?

Ps: I hate i-phone.
nothing can be laggier than my 6070 =(
phonesex would be nice with this 1..
im wearing nothing :o)
im grabbing my huge dick
im grabbing your girl friend :<
you still own me a picture of her :d

for now i fantasise on a girl with a black mask :<
sometimes ppl don't see the obvious things :~>
give, im online :>
you fucking shitting me
you son of a bitch :O(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

i fucking hate you and your porn star girl friend

FUCK YOU DAVE :'((((((

GO BE WITH HER !!!!!!!
she @ sports :> , will go to her in 45 mins <3
did she come with an instruction vid?
Or did u get her for free with ur huge pr0n collection?
she realised how cute i can be after i quitted gaming :P
I would give up ET for that xD
nice 1 dave :D
does she have a friend for me? :D
she looks like she need "israeli stuffing" ^_^

hr hr hr
You dont even answer.. whats the point?!
If I were you I would take it.
this one looks great
srsly take SE k850i its the best photo phone ever, good mp3, movies, very good java, all that staff with out any symbian on it ! wanna have an example of my photo taken by this phone ? -> ( with out any photoshop :O!) http://www.pobor.pl/sokl/DSC00472.JPG http://www.pobor.pl/sokl/DSC00482.JPG u can check that pictures in google picasa and it will show U info about that picture was from that cellphone ( engrish ON ) hf
It has the same camera (both 5 mp), however, I don't really like the small binds on the k850i. Is it the interface laggy?
Not anymore. Only the older models of Sony Ericsson were laggy :p
nope its not ( yes if U run a java game + mp3 or irc + mp3 and want to do anything more) I dont have any problem with small binds, and little touchpad) so if there is this same camera, its walkman and it has this same OS take it :) <3
my k800i isn't laggy, so i doubt the newer version is
get one of the new samsung models, touchscreen <3
omnia , i wanna buy one to
my father + a friend of mine has one of them, pretty nice tbh :P
All walkman phones are rubbish
I have a W880i and I love it, before I had a W550i which was also a great phone.

Never had problems with SE phones.
take samsung i900 omnia. works perfectly, ful touchscreen. gps. windows word etc.

ive got it for a week now, im still in love with it
never saw that one in holland, i only saw the C902 and it looked nice.
(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff

Forever and ever.
looks nice but the buttons don't look handy to me (I mean for sending msgs)
nokia n82 all the way.
got a new n81 , i love it :)
samsung 4life
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