are you the smartest?

There are 3 men who agree to share the cost of a hotel room where they will be staying the night. They approach the hotel manager and ask him the price of the room, and he says $30; the men then will have to each spend 10 dollars each. They pay the fee and proceed to their room when the manager realizes he overcharged them 5 dollars.

He gives the 5 dollars to the clerk and tells him to return it to the 3 gentlemen. The clerk realizes that he cannot split the 5 dollars evenly, so he decides to pocket 2 dollars and give each of the men 1 dollar each (3 men times 1 dollar).

Here is the kicker: if each man paid 10 and received 1 dollar refund from the clerk then each man paid 9 dollars (10-1). That means 3 men times 9dollars=27 dollars , and the clerk pocketed a 2 dollars on the the men and the clerk have 27+2=29! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MISSING DOLLAR?
image: Thread-Rocks

nice stealing skills <3
there is no missing dollar

30$ overall,

5$ overpaid = 25$ left,

2$in his pocket and 3x1$ for the men

[ 25 + 2 + 3*1 = 30 ]

IT ARE 30$ AND STAY 30$!!!

Nothing, because you did 27+2 instead of 27-2.

Is this supposed to be a puzzle or something? It doesn't even require logic, just reading comprehension.
you're so amazing mate
it got sucked into a black hole caused by the lhc
you did a mistake there
Quote9 dollars (10-1)
very strange :D
they didn't pay 9 dollars if he returns them all 1, they payed 11,67 actually all, and got returned 1 dollar, so they all payed 10,67.

edit: i failed coz I read it wrong, thought they accidentally payed 35 :/
now all fuck off replying to me, I just read it wrong :>
Gl with your further education , you seem to be smart
:DD ye I read it again and I read it wrong, thought they spent 35 in total, I fail :DD
they payed each 8.33333. And get refund 1.66666
I just read it wrong
too bad you can't donate sperm being such a smart boy! Sadly they have other criteria you horribly fail at :D

image: ban-hamster

:D omg u just made me happy again :D

but I still think ur a fucktard for that comment, srsly it aint cool saying shit like that
(waiting for an emo-pic reply now)
image: 2000805184425497087_rs

btw I'm just being my usual tard self atm so don't take anything too serious :D
:D ok nvm I love you
They got a fucking refund, that's what's up!
you have to substract ofc
3*9 = 27$ and the clerk has 2$ in his pocket so its 25$ - 2$ = 25$, no missing money
or you can put it that way: the clerk gave them only 3$, the manager still has 25$ and the missing 2$ has the clerk
you are telling another story,

the end of the journal, you have to work with that and that's strange since he doesn't say anything wrong afaik
Quik joke (not journal-worthy)
There was this Mexican guy, Black guy, and Asian guy all working for the same construction company. At the beginning of the day the boss calls a meeting with them about today’s work. They were all pretty new, so they had to be assigned jobs.

He says to the Mexican guy, "You’re in charge of the cement."
He says to the Black guy, "You’re in charge of the dirt."
He says to the Asian guy, "You’re in charge of the supplies."
After delegating out all the responsibilies he says, "I’m gonna be back at the end of the day to check on your work. It better be good or you’re all fired." The boss was quite serious and had a reputation for being shrewd. They immediately get to work.

At the end of the day, the boss comes back and checks on their work. He looks at the big pile of cement and says, "Nice work," to the Mexican guy. He looks at the big pile of dirt and says, "Nice work," to the Black guy. He looks around and can’t find the Asian guy anywhere so he asks, "Where the heck is that Asian guy?"

All of a sudden, the Asian jumps out from behind the big pile of dirt and yells, "SUPPLIES!"
Please sign here :P

image: not_funny_cert
Oh i see, you already signed it yourself.
I had too when I went around in them homes for old people trying to sell life insurance
not really funny
25 dollars / room
5 too much -> 3 refund + 2 clerk

ye nice edit you did , was all before you guys , but LET'S EDIT OUR COMMENTS SO THAT WE LOOK FASTER

let some admin check if u want :)
i saw your post earlier , it contained no calculation or anything fucking liar
ge kunt op da tekeningske naast zenne post gaan staan en zien datie vroeger was dan jij
alsge edit veranderd uwen tijd ni onnozeleir
waar the fuck sta da , kem da knopke ni ze
tkan natuurlijk ook aan mijnen nieuwen laptop liggen
maar kdenk toch datter iets bij u mis is :D
im not lying, it contained this sentence at first "there is no missing dollar", 2mins later i edited it and added the full calculation, your post was made 2 mins after that :)

n1 calling me a liar
so NOW you admit you edited it :D , hahahaa
i never said i didn't edit, lol how dumb would i be since you can easily check if some1 edited? lol

i just said that i posted the right answer before you, nothing more
oldest joke ever
What's up with wnb "puzzles" on crossfire today?
i know that one, pritty old tbh
and not that hard tbh
please, that's something they ask you in primary school, and it has nothing to do with maths, just basic logic.
I remember this being posted ages ago..
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