Jehova's witnesses...

Okay , i'll first explain the situation. Basicly i have this retarded girl on msn & sometimes i see her in real life , she's a witness of jehova.

I am completely atheistic & I trust in sience & proven facts.

Now how the fuck can you explain to these kind of people that they are wrong with their whole theory about Armagedon's , evolution , etc.
I can't understand that you are so brainwashed that you don't even believe in scientific facts ...

When i give an argument she just denies it and says something completely irrelevant (obviously learned from some book).
Her explanations are so unbelievable that you might start believing in Santa Claus etc.

Funny thing is that she's quite intelligent (school based etc).


EDiT I hope in 2010 the CERN project can prove the Big Bang & the existance of black wholes .
by ignoring the shit out of them
: - ) IGNORE
Punch them in the face
you cant help her. best thing is to ignore
I agree about the vision jehova's have, it's just retarded. But also understand that people can be brainwashed easily, when the right speakingtechnique is used upon them (learned that at schoollessons about religious streams).

Don't be atheistic though, that's completely unscientific. A simple example, there cannot be a beginning without something spawning that beginning, so something had to be in front of that, which means that something also had to be in front of that, etc etc. The only way to explain this is some "supernatural" phenomena.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not religious, not even in the slightest bit, I just don't denie the possibility of something higher than what we can imagine.

And about the girl, you can help her by brining her to a psychiatrist, they are specialised on this area.
Atheistic is in fact scientific ... I don't believe in any above natural force that did something.

I believe in the Big Bang & decent explanations
yes, so what spawned that big bang? What energy force made that big bang ignite. where did all the materials released with the big bang come from? what is the reason for that big bang in the first place? was the big bang the beginning of time (if not, it means there were things before the big bang and you get to my theory again)?
if you look after a reason for the big bang, your going the religious way
what does science do but looking for reasons why something happend? all the theories are spawned from where? abrakadabra
is there a reason of the big bang?
i wouldnt come up with one
No serious scientists ever wondered "why" the big bang, evolution or anything else happened. Just "how"
seriously, what's the difference in this case?
replace big bang with a car accident on a crossroad:

Why did the car accident happen? Because driver A went through the red light and crashed into driver B.
How did the car accident happen? Driver A went through the red light and crashed into driver B.
More like:
Because driver A was drunk.

Car A crashed into Car B.

Get my drift? Noone would ever drive into another just he bacuse he doesn't care what happens.
"Noone would ever drive into another just he bacuse he doesn't care what happens."

you don't know that, you think that, that is your theory

- Why did the car accident happen? Because driver A went through the red light and crashed into driver B.
- Why did driver A went through the red light? He was drunk.
A car accident isn't really a big bang either.
:/ why bother giving arguments against my example if you think it's stupid in the first place
Because I planned to go to bed 3 hours ago and can't think of anything better right now :(( I'd love to keep this conversation up but I'm just too tired :/
we created AI and robots etc. Are we gods for building computer chips?
Define the term "god". If you mean god as in a creator, then yes we are gods. If you mean god as in a supernatural entity, then no.

I wouldn't use the word god in this case. I'd rather use the term "supernatural entity", because I don't believe it HAS to be something intelligent...
maybe one day we'll find out what caused the big bang. At the moment we can't, but that's absolutly no reason to give credits to god or something. If something cannot be explained it's automatically god?
Read my reply to hellhammer.

And what I said in the post you've just replied to, is nothing more than logics. All our current scientific theories, natures of law, assumptions, etc etc.. are based on the fact that everything has a beginning and an end. Now, you just try relating back to a beginning, you'll get stuck in a vicious circle which can't be broken unless you involve a "supernatural" (currently supernatural because with our current theories we can't explain it) entity.
They believe the world will end in a man's life starting from the period 1914 ( so you have to be over 94 years old now else their 'prophecy' is wrong)
tru, jehova's are retards ;)
Or you include physical rules unknown to mankind yet. Powers big enough to cause events like the big bang aren't necessarily applicable to worldly environments or features. Maybe it's just beyond our temporary understanding that there might multiple big bangs in a bigger envelope containing multiple universes.
Just increasing the size of subject doesn't change the reason that problem exists, which is explaining where everything came from..
It helps, because if you put our whole big bang case into a much bigger super-universe, there might be forces or things which cause a big bang to happen, which make a big bang nothing special, because it can happen a lot of more times than just 1. And if you ask how this "supraverse" was created, you can easily think of an even bigger "megasuperverse".

This sounds more logical to me than there's one big creature has created every fuckpiece in this universe.
it does to me too

but where do you get your superverse from? I mean, if you try using that to justify the "beginning" of our universe, the big bang, than that also needs to have a beginning...

As long as something got a size, or something just exists, there need to be something outside of it, otherwise it wouldn't exist imo. But if something is the ultimate everything, the thing that overcomes everything, that rules everything, it can't be smaller than anything else.

The only solution to this problem is that there's no beginning and no ending. That's the only solution to the "infiniteness" of space: Everything is just part of a much larger thing whose size isn't imageable to the parts it consists of and there are always beginnings and endings within this larger part, there are plenty of big bangs, it's just part of the game..
what I've learned "The God" is more like something to trust and lean at bad times what gives them hope. I think it might be mentally good thing for some people. some ppl just are realists (as I am) and can't do it.
I don't want to take god away from anyone, but also I don't want it to influence my life. I respect everyones believes and I demand the same treatment, which i don't receive too often in this country.
indeed, I know "a lot" religious ppl and some of them are acting normal and not trying to influence my life. unfortunately this isn't always the case, but I always just ignore it. haven't had problems with them for long time anymore since I don't meet them too often anymore. yes, they are my relatives.

my very highly educated (musician) cousin "tilted" totally about a year ago. he said that he went to sleep one night, woke up immediately pretty soon after actually being in sleep for a while, opened his eyes and "realized" what he missed because of his religion. (no tv, no other music than churchmusic or classic, no alcohol and so on.). he smashed his entire room upside down because he was so angry - middle of the night. when he got home once later (didn't contact his parents even once after "tilt") because of the funerals of our grandpa, in the evening (my sister told this) he was just swearing and screaming as loud as possible and asking why they lied everything during his life so far. but I need to point out that this dude is very intelligent. not only because he's highly educated, but he's like genious, a mastermind. that's why i'm not too surprised even if "tilting" as this is afaik very, very unusual

some people just realize it suddenly, some people are just either too dependent of their religion/hope or scared to leave. it's their own choice, but I can tell that their parents are pushing them very much.
Most likely the universe is originated by a "singulariteit" . The existence of these things are to be found in so called "Black Wholes". These are areas with an enormous pressure caused by gravity , this can press a substance so hard untill an incredible 'dichtheid'. After this it started stretching out (now at this moment the universe is still stretching out). Every substance was in this little pressured thing, after the explosion it spreaded around the universe while creating it.
(Imagine like dots on a balloon and blowing it up -> dots spread)

We also only know 4 dimensions ,it's possible there was another dimension whilst it was created -> see Black Wholes ..

I could continue for hours but :p
I know a lot about black holes, relativity theory, quantumphysics, and string theory. Now, explain why that black hole suddenly exploded (the big bang), something had to ignite that explosion. You can say it was an instable core, but what caused that instability, it means it already was instable, thus was there something before the big bang.
No , read again

As i said , the substance was incredibly pressurised untill it exploded, try it yourself with a balloon , press it so hard untill it explodes , same thing

the pressure caused by the attractance of a black whole
he didnt say there has to be a god. Imo thinking that every force and everything there is in the universe is measurable by science or by our senses, is just as narrowminded as believing a bearded old man with godly powers.

Im an agnostic, allthough i have my own ideas about the universe and knowledge about the universe.
Basically I agree with you saying that certain things and chains of events are uncalculatable (?) but rather due to the high amount of randomness than the sheer lack of physical regulation.
no i mean that its narrowminded to assume that every force in the universe can be detected by the human senses or the human mind. Im not refering to forces we know of that are unexplainable due to their randomness

I'm very interested in the idea of an eternal universe. Do you realise that in a few million years, the universe will have expanded so much that evidence of the Big Bang will no longer be visible? It'll become legend.

Anyway, back to the eternal universe. I'm interested in the idea of an infinitely collapsing and expanding universe. The Big Bang was simply the result of the universe collapsing in on itself, and becoming so dense that it exploded - resulting in the Big Bang. I'm interested in the idea of this happening lots and lots of times.

Since the universe may not really be 13.7 billion years old, you know? Only the observable universe is 13.7 billion years old. It's a possibility, and I'm not so ready to commit to the idea of the universe having a 'beginning'.
so youre a guy that says. if it cant be proven its fake?

Smallminded tbh
yes i do

I don't believe anything that's not proven , why should i?
Big Bang is scientifically proven? wasn't it just a theory
That's one thing that's not entirely proven , although there are many calculations & partly proven explanations.
i don't think many things are anything even close to being proven, most are just theories

to be perfectly honest, i think the science, at least the part that is trying to discover how the life began, is full of shit. i watch national geographic channel and a few others now and then, and i can't beleive how many documentaries with totally different theories are made about things related to the topic of this journal.

but seriously, atheists here on crossfire (well, in general too, same shyt happens in real life as well) aren't behaving anything better than jehovah's witnesses. everyone is going around trying to prove something to religious people, being "offensive" with their arguments, just like jehovah's witnesses are
So you don't believe in evolution? xD
i don't get your point. yes, i do beleive in "evolution", don't see how it matters here. maybe i misunderstood what you mean by evolution, but just because evolution happens, it doesn't mean any of current theories are right. like i said, science is currently full of shit
I'm an atheist in the sense that I reject all forms of organised religion, but it's not entirely accurate because I do believe that higher or more powerful beings exist. The judeo-christian definition of God is just completely retarded though.
and you think the USA's researches, explanations and everything they say and stuff is right and proven and not brainwashing? (check the sponsors) We can really know nothing so I think one stupid believe of armagedon isnt more wrong than anything else..
if its not proven, dont believe it sure.

but the otherside to that is :

if its not DISPROVEN, dont reject it.

can't have it both ways logicman.
was about to edit my post with your point :) glad someone else posted it
Not everything can be disproven.
Even if you KNOW its false.

Example: Prove that I'm not God.

Sure, you could use your logic to understand that Im not,
but no matter what you say you can't prove it.
bullet through her head would help..
well one of my job school teachers (he studied history) said:

"humanity has found old left-overs like old weapons, cave paintings etc (stone age). you could lay all this stuff we found on this table, and it still wouldn't be full. what i am trying to say is, that all scientists say 'they lived like that and that' but for real now: we don't know anything about them."

i think you can quite conclude that for evolution and all other kinds of stuff.

for myself i dont know what to believe in...50/50 i believe that there maybe are some other dimensions and things beyond our power of imagination and also i believe that science has proven many many things and explained a lot.
tell her to watch southpark if shes smart she will stop and maybe give you a blowjob as an apology for being stupid

and btw who gives a flying fuck about how people think, its ok to think what you want as long as nobody dies or smth.
There are LOADS of those kind of ppl in finland, both jehovas and "lestadius" ppl (both have insane opinions and other "truths" about scientific facts).. If the girl is not cute then just block & ignore her. Otherwise I would try to prove her that it's intelligent and mature to judge stuff from other aspects as well than just religion.. anyways GL
One of my teachers at uni had a very nice argument, when we were drinking in a bar, can't remember it though :(

It was something about a timeline and carbon 14 dating...
They said that in 1914 - 197x and something the earth was gonna explode and they would go to heaven (all 144.000 believing people)

Didn't happen .. they r saying other stuff now
the two best applications of carbon are
image: Trek-Madone-5-5-PRO-2008


image: 2005-Ferrari-F2005-Michael-Schumacher-1600x1200
pssssssssssst, don't spoil the secret of his aerodynamic carbon chin
smoke away and check your lungs, you'll see they're totally carbonized
wrong argument - already proved.
wtf Santa not true :?
let people have their own views.

whether or not you share those views is irrelevant. If they arent having an effect on your life, who really gives a fuck ?
I would say that religion have a huge effect on everyone's lives
Just look at different counterys with different religions and how their laws are different to be more suitable for their religion.

Or whats accepted to do in your countery might not be in another one where a different religion is the main one.

Unfortunately, creationism is becoming an increasingly important issue in the West.
Try to be tolerant and understanding. It's her religion and she's entitled to believe what she wants.
Surely i respect that ,but when i go in discussion with her she brings out ridiculous arguments based on a book -_-
if she takes the arguments from a book, tell her to read the daVinci Code
I already used that :DD
I can understand that you get frustrated, because those kinda people can be very intelligent with an almost childish faith in their religion at the same time. Maybe skip the discussions about evolution and convince her to play "adam and eve"
Been there done that , problem is when i confront her with stuff like that , she can't back it up...

She's smart actually but still so ignorant about something like that... unbelievable
Well, that's the big difference between religion and science, belief vs. facts. Although history taught us that scientific "facts" can be pretty wrong. Mostly because you create facts out of logical assumptions.
Religion used to fuck up facts ( See Galileo about the planet being round)
You can't really blame religion for that. If people start a new theory, it's most likely that the majority will deny it at first and sticks to common "facts". But you have a good point about interference of humans. I personally believe in God, but I let go of religious things that are interfered by humans, like church, priests and other things like that. The reason for that, is based on my mistrust in the human nature of bending rules and theories in their advantage.
Start of a religion

Retard that believes something,flashes or thinks "let's make some money" -> Ignorant , non-educated or people that need certain thing to hold on to start to follow . Believe used to be so easy to spread because almost everyone was non-educated.

If you want to start a believe now you can only go to USA where the dumb idiots are there for the taking.
thousands of prophesies were sayd in bible before they really happened. And they happened. On this basic she believes things which must happen - which bible says about.
I believe you are banned
if I'm banned and I'm still answering you, don't you think I'm at least a half-god then! :D
no just very intolerant
Why would you want to convince her? If she is happy with the way she lives now, why would you want to push 'your truth' in her mind?
It's not MY truth , it's a scientific FACT
In her eyes its not, that's just it.

And dont forget that there is no proof that God doesnt excists (as well as the other way around though) so you cant dismiss the fact that there can be a God.
I don't deny that , but i can give facts that prove her wrong , she can't that prove my facts wrong (so her "system " breaks apart).
to be fair who can prove the scientists don't just make shit up? they do come out with some fucking far fetched shit sometimes
Kidding me? :DDDDDDD
i dont believe in any of this jehova witness shit, but you do seem to be a bit of a cunt about it all, you live your life she can live hers... just say you dont want to discuss such shit if the conversation arises again, simple.
My question then is: Why would you prove her own (maybe comfortable) view of the world wrong?

Dont get me wrong, I dont believe in the excistence of a God either, but you can also just let people have their own views (unless it ofc goes really out of border, then you should just avoid confronting them)
I'd prove their wrong just because they ARE wrong on most parts..

If they were right i'd be dead by now
Problem is just that their belief is so strong it instantly blocks out any critism incoming. You would do best not to go into that, because you cant just 'redeem' her. The best thing would idd be to say that she's old enough to research herself about what's right and what not.
Otherwise a nice point.
[NL] De basis van Geloof is twijfel, want als je het zeker weet dan geloof je ook niet meer, dan weet je het. Dus als ze gelooft dat God bestaat, dan twijfelt ze eigenlijk :P [/NL]
that's the problem, it's not. it can be proven that the bible is incorrect, yet you cannot prove or disprove the existance of a god. assuming there is a something out there that influenced to universe and led to our creation is something you that seems logical to people, wether they choose to believe so or not. however, assuming there is a god that singlehandedly created the earth and it's inhabitants is just stupid. there is just as much of a chance of the entire earth or even universe being created by a donkey.
exactly the point , it can be proven that the bible is incorrect,

So i can't understand you hold on to this
i'm an atheist, i don't hold on to anything. i'm just pointing out the fact that not everyone believes the bible word by word, and most people just believe in the existance of an exterior power, which can't be proven or disproven. the bible is just a really old sci-fi book
by "you" i didn't meant YOU as in YOU VIAX

Clear ? :D
well, i got it after reading it again, the problem is kind of that "you" will always include me. try using "they" ;d
Idd. You cannot disprove God as God is neither made of matter or any other physical specification. God is an idea that can be seen behind everything: The ball falls with the same acceleration every time I drop it -> It's God's rule. The ball falls at various speed everytime I drop it -> There are no scientific rules behind it, so there has to be a God. This way every assumption can be led back to God, except for post-death assumptions which either conclude to: Nothing is there or Paradise is there. Noone will ever get to see either proven wrong or right so in general what can be said is that, to every open-minded believer, God is generally a placeholder for physical regulation.
scientific is NOT THE FACT, its all theory and modells.
Just go die in a church
bad argument. Do u try to be cool or a u searching for a truth? I chose the second. Yes, everyone will day some day, but bible - saying exactly GOD - promise a life after the death for people who believe in HIM.
I'd tell her to fuck off whit her religion..
is she hot ?
after so many comments, i truely expected this one coming from u anywhere around ;D
i never do :<
im atheistic to !

but santa not true ? :'<
Let her join scientology... tom cruise gonna e-meter the shit out of her!!!1
you really can't help that kind of "blindness". myself, I don't care what ppl are believing as long as they're not trying to turn me in :p
Discussion came on the CERN experiment (big bang theory) , we went on about religion then
I wish chicks would talk about CERN with me :(
"CERN? is that some kind of new boyband?"
know your own biases & suspend you judgement; i.e. dont decide and then back it. be open minded toward every school of thought. clarify, elaborate & and be relevant.
I never debate Jehovah's witnesses. In fact. I always pretend as if I'm one of them.
Why? Well, I'm always waiting for the omnipotent and omniscient Jehovah to whisper
in their ears that they are being tricked by a non-theist.
Unfortunately, to this day, that never happened. I guess Jehovah (or any other god) is
too busy at those moments.
Show her the path to Paganism :)
Let her believe if she wants to, it helps some people to get over their issues by thinking there's someone up there protecting them. It's completely different matter if she's trying to force you to believe that case tell her to gtfo.

It's pointless for you to try to convince her, she won't believe a shit you tell to her. Anyways even science has only theories about evolution and stuff, no facts. Given the options with religion and science, I choose science anyways. There's not even one religion that doesn't have a stupid fairytale that is supposed to be a true story.
i always rofl when ppl say they believe in god xD. just think logicaly god who created the universe HHAHAHAHAH makes me laugh again such bullshit image: biblenoah
show her your dick.
Finally a useful comment.
hit and run
u can't, just let them be
"Funny thing is that she's quite intelligent (school based etc). "

school based like studying 24/7? thats not intelligent imo :P
I don't see a reason to try to convince her. It's just like the Americans trying to spread their way of living all around the world. Maybe you could see it from a rational person's point of view:

What are we living for?
Reproducing, evolving!
Do they reproduce and evolve?
Logical conclusion?
Let them live!

Just as a tip, here's what I do: Let them think what they want, as long as they don't bother me with their belief. If they come to me for a serious debate on religious issues I'm in for a serious, open-minded debate and if they come up to me with ignorant arguments and false facts I gently ask them to piss off. Easy as.

vila, you don't believe in Jezus? ;< you infidel
there is no point in reasoning with people. the more intelligent they are, the harder they are to convince. they've usually been brought up with a certainly religion and beliefs, and people saying they're wrong usually just makes them think up more reasons for why their beliefs are correct.

atheists should stay away from religious debates, they have nothing to fall back on ;D
comment above or below, or both ;D
Unlike Christians, which have a 10.000 year old book telling stories which were originally passed on via storytellers :)
:DD exactly
according to the bible the earth wasn't even created 10.000 years ago ;D
Sure, but the bible has been dated to back then :D
no 3 million years ago xD. c14 method bb
And football is a game where 22 idiots chase a ball to kick it into a net. See, it's pretty easy to make fun of things by looking at it superficially.
You sensed the irony, congratulations :) I don't mean to offend anyone, I just wanted to make clear that if it was in the range of the mental power of a fucking online gaming community to give absolute proof and reason to dismantle the belief(s) that have created culture, history and politics of over 3 centuries, what is all the fucking fuss about?
okay, sorry, you for got the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] tags ;-)
yeah you have always the bible to fall back on, brb laughing
you don't have to use "you" on me as if i'm one of them, i'm a complete atheist. all i'm saying is that science can't disprove the existance of a god, and therefore has no argument apart from "you can't prove that god does exist". religions indeed have their stupid books to fall back on, claiming that because it's written it's true. there is simply no point arguing without arguments, you won't win when someone truely believe that things are true because they're written down.
without arguments? the big bang theory for example, but religions ppl dont have any strong arguments in my opinion.
there is a reason why it's called a theory, which is the entire point
I share the same opinion
rape her.
why would you want to proof her wrong?
because he falls for her but he cant bare the idea of having a jehova's witness as a girlfriend
The only thing I believe in, is CERN. Nonexisting god bless it!

I so fucking hope they will proove the Big Bang theory and cut all the sensless bullshit.

ps. with all respect to those who are believers. This was only my opinion. :--)
I agree with you man, but i think it's fucking scary how many people in this world thinks like that, i mean wtf use reasoning! Im glad not everyone is as brainwashed as some, otherwise this world would be even more fucked up!

I think alot of people use it to make them feel better and make their lifes easier.. And then they pass it on to their children that gets raised with it..
The scary thing is not that so many people believe in it. The scary thing is that people use belief as a machinery to manipulate people, to vote for them, to do as they wish and eventually go to war for them.
Rape is your answer.
Jehova's witness is a fucking sect, it's a business. Put her on fire, vila.
Give me some gas then , you russians make it too expensive !
Rates will be dropped for this occasion!
I am completely atheistic & I trust in sience & proven facts.

What's retarded about that ..
that you obviously haven't done any research on this area. If you would you would have known that every current scientific "proof" is in fact nothing more than a speculation...
LOL ???? :DDDD Only big bang is an assumption xD

Quotehave known that every current scientific "proof"
maybe read again what's the LHC's sole purpose, then you'll understand :/
Later tonight -> check this guy "fabuloz" at the bottom btw
why would I need to check him

u know what, I'll explain you in dutch tomorrow or smth, because you obviously lack the needed english skills to understand what I say :/
is gwn mijn mening erover:p. Ik geloof dat er meer is dan wetenschappelijke bewezen dingen.
Kan ook op andere manieren uitgedrukt worden..
Ik druk mij uit zoals ik jou je meestal zie uitdrukken op ettv =)
Wat heeft dat met elkaar te maken , totale andere kwesties ..
euh nee? overal flame je, en nu ik iets 'onvriendelijk' zeg. Ga je ineens beginne vn is dat nou nodig : D
Zoek op op welke dingen ik flame , als iemand n serieus onderwerp aanhaalt ( dus niet gaming gerelateerd ) zal ik hem niet flamen. Gaming kan je moeilijk serieus nemen... Maar er zijn andere dingen waarop je dit niet hoeft te doen , zoals dit bv.
Je zou van jezelf moeten weten waarop je kan flamen & waarop niet.
Tell her that you believe in the flying spaghetti monster and consequently you can't believe what she sais about god n armageddon. if she denies the flying spaghetti monster then ask her to prove to you that it doesn't exist.
at least they dont whine about black holes from LHC
I hate when they come to my door when im hungover and just woke up.

Normally they are scared since I sound like heavy singer at hungovermornings :-)
Just get laid with the fucking slut and leave her be.
Hook her up with Spree, they'd make a wonderful couple
coz u a stupid. Bible sayd prophesies, which after this really happened. There are more than thousands of them. Some things happen today. Now, u decide, on which basic u stand: ur blind optimisme or bible as book saying the truth.
ye , Nostradamus also made prophecy's , about 10.000 , 1000 of them came true , 9000 didn't.....

I'll make a prophecy right now , in 100 years we will have flying cars.

If you really believe a book based on a prophecy you are really retarded :D
nostradamus did prophesies which didnt happened. Bible speaks about prophesies, which ALL happened - insofar as archeologic had a possibility to show it. And there are some prophesies like "who will conquer Persia and how will be his name" - about 150 years before it really happened. And with ur cars, which already exist - is really stupid wat u say - get a better imagination. Now, if they bible says more than 1000 truth things and not even 1 wrong - who do u want to believe then?
You must be kidding me , the bible is a book that's a collection of different stories from different writes placed together. The prophecy you describe , especially the "his name" part didn't happen , look it up yourself.

You really believe people walk over water? Or a bush catches fire & starts speaking? You must be on some strong drugs before you write something down like that.

Prophecies can be done by any mongol or mental ill person , some will be right , will that make him a god ?

Nostradamus had prophecys that came true ( depends on how you comprehend them). So what ,...
"You really believe people walk over water? Or a bush catches fire & starts speaking? You must be on some strong drugs before you write something down like that."

yes, i believe it, and im not on drugs. I dont even drink alkohol in such amounts like u maybe. Wonders happen today too - np for GOd, he had a power to create everything, all, earth, people. And to speak to Mose as a bush is izi bash for him - coz he says in the bible "nobody can see him" - so he used bush.

"Prophecies can be done by any mongol or mental ill person , some will be right , will that make him a god ?"

loooooooool. U must be really stupid. I dont know any mongols speaking prophesies which happen 3000 years after they were sayd - in exactly way, i know only mongols saying such a bs like u.
Oh plz...Dont believe Galileo Mystery...
wut? Galileo? lol
If you didnt get those biblecodes from Galileo, you probably have it from this Drosnin-guy...and that's as populistic than this stupid show.
bible was written 1500 years long about 3000 years ago in average. Galileo lived about 1500. So i dont really understand ur point with Galileo.
Oh plz...You're German, you probably have television...and maybe you heard of a show named "GALILEO"...

And I still wanna know if you base your bible-prophecies on the work of Drosnin...
"if you base your bible-prophecies on the work of Drosnin..."

I dont really understand what u mean. Who is this Drosnin and what did he? I read the prophesies direct from the bible, and parallel - arheologic facts.
You don't even check your source :DDDD
That's your big problem
hej. I suppose u a very known in such things to speak about conspiracy of sources? plz. I study this things and million other people, and i know what to believe and what to speak about.
someone told me jehova's witnesses are a good laid u shud try it probably :D

other than that, people like her are naive and being naive to me is basically the same as being stupid no matter how much time she spends studying to try and convince everyone she's intelligent :P there's a difference between book intelligence and natural intelligence xd

other than that dont even get me started on the matter of religion :P I think it's a good thing certain people have something to fall back on in hard times that's about the only positive side to religion i can think of
Agree @ part 2&3
Gotta test part 1
"Taking science as a matter of fact does not automatically make you an atheist"

true. Bible dont says anything against science.
No it doesn't , but it proves that the fairytale story's in your Holy Book aren't possible.

You can't back-up any of your stories ... None are proven

Only the existance of a person "jesus if you wish" that helped the poor.

There are tons of people that help the poor.

BTW church & your religion are the most retarded ever , they controlled people & indoctrinated them for ages , some idiotic pope is still saying condoms are wrong...
They banned science in the middle ages by putting the books on the index.
The catholic people also removed parts of the bible as they didn't match their believe system.
QuoteNo it doesn't , but it proves that the fairytale story's in your Holy Book aren't possible.

I say NOT. Prove it. I read the bible and i dont have conflicts with science, coz i love science an know it very well.

QuoteBTW church & your religion are the most retarded ever , they controlled people & indoctrinated them for ages , some idiotic pope is still saying condoms are wrong...
They banned science in the middle ages by putting the books on the index.
The catholic people also removed parts of the bible as they didn't match their believe system.

Fail. U have to differ between catholic and evangelic. U have to differ between real religious people (which love other and do only good things) and specious "religious" poeple, who speaks about god but does bs like catholic church in the middle age.
That's always your argument

" No it wasn't us it was them"

But you originated from them so stfu
& where's your proof you are right?

I can proof people can't walk over water and a bush can't speak

Your turn
this u cant prove or disprove. There is no sense to speak about it any longer.
How can you believe in anything that's not proven?

Scientific fact = evolution -> THIS IS A PROVEN FACT , NO DISCUSSION POSSIBLE

ape -> Man


Adam & Eva -> Eva originated from a rib of adam

U failed big my friend. U know not much about evolution theory, about Darwin, about problems, included in this and about lies which are being educated in the school.

Thousands of things were proven, and no 1 disproved. This is the reason why i believe further things which bible says.
You have got to be fucking kidding me , There is nothing to dissaprove here , Man evolved from ape , end of story , fossils are found which prove evolution , you can't deny that.

Your story from adam & eva went to the shitholes with that. You just don't want to see it because your blind as hell to reality, keep on living in your imaginary world ,you won't achieve much if you don't start opening your mind
end of story? no. U didnt say anyone argument. Fossils dont prove the evolution. PS: i achived already more than u in my life.

you are the most ignorant fuck ever

Fossils are found from (an early edition of a ) men about 1.2 million years ago, not possible according to your thing since were only 8000 years old ..

You can even see evolution now over the past 100 years

People get taller , their iQ lowers (you can check that on yourself) , people live longer

No, fossils are not so old. Age determinating methods shows wrong numbers coz of different factors - a very long theme.

Getting more knowledge is not an evolution. Bigger IQ is a result of bigger knowledge. People live longer coz of better life standarts.
You have to be kidding me...oh plz... "errors in Darwin's theory"? OFC THERE WERE ERRORS IN IT! FFS HE WAS ONE OF THE FIRST MEN WHO EVEN THOUGHT OF SOMETHING LIKE EVOLUTION.

Nevertheless, darwin's evolution theory is already old-fashioned and is modernized in many ways and will be modernized even more in future. We can't know everything, that's sure - but ffs, you can't deny the facts of evolution. Creationism is soooo stupid, it's unbelievable.

One thing to ur bible knowledge - do you even know when the bible was written? When those books it consists of were chosen?
Fossils are not so old??? :DD

fucking idiot , do some research moron
did already. all fake.

Nice brainwash you had , gratz mr smartass
the same to u.
who cares life is too short!
Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever experiences!! Who taught you at school? xDDD
Fucking hell, you just flipped over my whole world view.
scientific facts are not facts
all bunch of theories with only 1 criteria: they cannot be proven false
that doesnt mean they are correct by any means
Generally, a fact is defined as something that is true, something that actually exists, or something that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation.[1][2] There is a range of other uses, depending on the context. For example, fact may be argued under authority of a specific pedagogy, such as scientific facts or historical facts. Rhetorical assertion of fact is often forwarded without an implied or express basis of authority.

In the most basic sense, a scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation; in contrast with a hypothesis or theory, which is intended to explain or interpret facts.
N.E.R.D were my favourite band!
thats basically the same as "all bunch of theories with only 1 criteria: they cannot be proven false" backed with hyphotesis blabla
scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation; in contrast with a hypothesis or theory, which is intended to explain or interpret facts.
What has not been refuted can be considered a scientific fact. This is a functional definition and pays tribute to the 'fact' that knowledge changes with time, and it is exactly this historical starting point that will be adhered to most rigorously here. When looking beyond the physical sciences, theories often lack mathematical formalism. So how do we get hold of a fact? What is there that defines the relationship between hypothesis, experiment and theory?
And after this normally comes the explanation, this is just the introduction of something rofl :D

Read it yourself
u really believe that every scientific fact atm is 100% correct? a.k.a F A C T
scientific facts always change with time
u must be blind if u cant realize that
this is the only point ive been trying to make here
Ive had a lot of discussions with my best friend whos a satanist, ive tried to understand it and with some levels I do, some levels I totally disagree. There aint a right answers, we have talked hours, hours and hours nonstop still it aint leading to anything. Its just a belief, there is no reason to try to prove someone other's belief wrong, simply because you cant and you dont know if your belief is truthfull either.

I want to believe im an atheist, a real one but I have these interests for other religions. I was into satanism and when times got harder I somehow believed the christian God inside of my head. But i guess its just something to do with the raising where my parents told me to pray if something feels that God is only one able to help. You cant even imagine what if feels like when the thing you 100% dont believe, still comes up in the subconscious
Well end of the day there ain't no 'hard proof' for any theory we have and those theories require something out of nothing which is impossible and i hear people bring back the argument energy can be neither created or destroyed, it's just there. If thats true then how did this energy have the advanced thinking to create something as complicated as the universe?

Like i said every theory we have requires something out of nothing so The Matrix is probably closer to the truth than you think.
ye. Big problem of evolution is a creation of information, because all living beings has it, which describe their structure (DNS). The information cant develop accidentally.
Look at prokaryots - they barely have any kind of "structure", because they consist of just one cell. Ofc they got flagellas and some kinds of cellular structures, but you have to think of this:

The prokaryots which live today have a era of 3 billion years of evolution behind them. The first so-called "life" would have consist of some aminoacids and maybe lipids around them. No huge informative DNS, almost nothing, just some chemical substances of which our live today consists now (which can easily create themselves in a rough atmosphere like in the early earth - check the Lloyd Miller experiment.)
It's the nature of chemical substances that they form their most "solid" structure, and so did those "pre-cells", too. I can imagine that the amino-acids could only exist for a longer period while being trapped in a circle of lipids or what-so-ever, and like that, also other materials got accidentially trapped, too, which influenced again the aminoacids, and so on.
In trillions of random "trapping" experiments and billions years of time, the chemicals "evolved" to something that could even look for special chemicals which helped them "to survive", to stay in their structure, and to fucking just divide itself into two pieces if they grew too big, what's called ...damn know what I mean - in other millions of years this was called life - imo.

But ofc..God formed one man out of dirt and formed his wife out of his rip...
Reminds me of those asian kids throwing up all over the stairs infront of a jeovah's temple... oh man what a night.
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