hz theory

since I got sick and tired of playing shit on maps like goldrush where my fps is different on every phase, im going perma-76fps until I get my new pc

i was using 120hz/125fps because 125/125 felt really odd (in et at least)

whats the ideal number for 76fps?

I was thinking 152hz/76fps, would I be right?

edit: all the people saying 85/85/85, 100/100/100.... well... 125fps/125hz felt horrid when i tried it... im guessing those would be the same?
best one for 50 fps max? -_-
Power off @ monitor loalz
What about 35 :_D
yes fps/(fps*2)hz for the smoothest picture = 76fps/152hz(or 153/154 since it's not rly 76 fps but 76.92...), i'd try 83fps/166(167)hz, 90fps/181hz, 100fps/200hz though
for 76?
75 hz ofc.
huh, clearly you have never used 75hz on a crt...
yeah I didnt. :D
I have an LCD, in fact my web browser is on my LCD right now, there is a reason I don't play games on it.
Yeah, everybody says CRTs are better for gaming than LCD's.
But for me ET looks like in the fable on LCD, wonderful view! Not wndow-like CRTs where I cant see a shit! ^^
That's prolly because I'm comparing CRT made by LG 10 years ago and LCD made by LG 3 years ago :-)
and get red eyes as a present
40 maxpackets for life

hz is the factor here :(
just play all on 100: maxpackets hz and maxfps

at least thats what i do but then again i play with 30-70 fps max
85hz 85fps 85packets ftw.
85 85 85 was fine for me, but 75 76 works better
thought so too, unfortunately displayrefresh 152 gives me 149 actual hz, going to mess around with nvidia custom resolutions and random displayrefresh values
149 isnt so bad really, it will fluctuate a small bit anyway but obviously if u can get 152 its ideal :P
1) install rivatuner.
2) get to the following panel:

image: m8pb8p

3) if it works for you, you can manually set resolutions and get to see the max refresh rate
4) voila.
you have GF 6200, how many fps do you get?
Don't talk about it ;_;

130 fps on tkbtimedemo (radar)
Sorry, I just had to ask, as I'm buying a laptop with GF 8600 GT (or GS :/) and wanted to know if I'll be able to play ET, etc. So, whatever that tkb time demo is, seems I might come back to ET :-)
not always :~>
75 hz /76 max fps/ 76 max packs

oddly feels nice to me.
bulldog is always right.
i am using 75hz / 76fps, feels very smooth and it makes nice ding ding ding, good ownage
my screen has 25ms response time :DD
8ms here :S oldskool :DDD
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