
Sunday I'll be doing my first (1/4 or1/8) triatlon in Belgium Mechelen.
1/4 = 1500m swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running
1/8 = 750m swimming, 21km cycling and 5km running
the swimming is in open water (with a swimsuit, not a random swimshort)

anyone already done smth like this, and what's ur experience with it? and what was your time you finished in?
and if you have any good tips/advises, feel free to reply :P

Think it's the best to do the 1/8 .. as it's the first time for me
why would u do this?
I have been the winner of the Iron Man Contest for the last 20 years.

so yeah.. I can say been there, don that.
cycling and running you should have no problems with if you dont start too hard, just be like you are on training field !

swimming depends how good swimmer you are :)
or can he even swim :)
he can sink well, he must be good.
I used to do full Triathlons weekly, really isn't that hard
you probably mean you've a triathlon in a week, since doing 1 takes more than just a few hours and you need to recuperate more than a few days from such an intense effort. if you say it isn't that hard you've never done 1 in 1 part.

give me some links with some of your times/results
You don't know ziff? :)
if you see my overtrained body you'll know what I mean (RFKI UNDERSTANDS IT)
profilepic is rather disapointing and im still waiting for some result pages
1/8 sounds like a good one to start with, especially if it's cold :(
18 degrees normally, guess i'll just do the 1/8, will be hard enough already
My uncle is an iron man. He's quite fanatic when it comes to stuff like that. He also participated in the "Test of Strength", which is done by bike from Norway Trondheim to Oslo, in 1 day.
the only thing he deserves is respect !
Or a smack against his head
Ain't you gonna participate aswell this sunday? If it's that easy it shouldn't give you any problems !
maybe he will
Where did i say it was izi?
was joking, anyway ur going to participate?
[dutch] Gij ze zot zeker , dan val ik dood , da zwemmen isda in de nekker dan ? Kzou ni weten waar er anders open water is in Mechelen.
leuvense vaart :DD
lol hf making urself tired
I was thinking about participating but in the end I decided not too.
Did 1/4 once.. swimming was definitally the hardest part for me, could barely walk when I got out of the pool :D (better focus on using your arms here). Cycling and running is easy if you do it like you do normally.

Was fun doing it once, but will never go for a full triathlon :P.
what kind of triathlon was it? i mean, u said u swam in a pool?
I am bad swimmer, this summer I reached 500 m tho :)

Next week: forum title "8bits need 6th"
haha that's a good one :P
have fun..

i just ran 2 twice 10 km and swam one time 1500 m....but never "at the same time"

must be pretty hard huh

khoop da ge verdrinkt.
Foreign language, admins, warning points please !
if it was only for running and cycling could do the 1/2 triathlon (assuming it's 80km cycling 20km running), but I'm so bad swimmer that no way I could swim 3000m :D
ye it's called duathlon then, it's possible to do (cycling and running)
well for me aswell, swimming is just .. BUH :(
oh, didn't know it was actually possible to do it without swimming :p

I think I'd rather just run half marathon first and then later maybe full marathon
and imagine the Iron Man then, that's a marathon (easy, duh :D) .. + 4.5km swimming and 180km cycling :D
if you prefer running, you can also compete in run-bike-run
i think most people mainly have trouble with the swimming, i know i do ;D
yup, swimming sucks :D
because swimming is the most technical sport of those. everyone can ride a bike, everyone can run a bit at least, but swimming 200m+ isn't too easy for everyone! well I could swim on my back that 750m easily but It'd take forever :D normal way prolly 200m max.
and everyone can run and cycle whenever they want, and probably do. for swimming such distances you need a wide open water and we don't really have alot of those here (i know you do, thousand-lake-country-man!) ;d
swimming baths ! 25m or 50m per line.
that's not really comparable to open water, especially as they're fucking crowded ;d
yep well but open one is a lot colder!
Why is everyone hating the swimming part? Its the easiest! I'm sure I could the swimming and maybe the cycling :P but god I hate running..
Cause most people are not fishlike ! :D
Nor am I a fucking horse, fuck running :D
I did a duathlon in the past, which was

3km sprint, 20km cycling, 3km sprint.

The last sprint was killing me.
you had to sprint 3km after 20km cycling and 3km sprint?:DD
does trial periode for special forces that was 6 days count? 8D
God i was waiting for this!

You are fucking awesome, i hope that you know it
^jesus forced me to write that :o(
and i know it dont worry
i hate the swimming part
make sure you don't drink during the last few minutes of the cycling part or before going on the running part if it's your first time. As you will try to give your very best for the first few minutes of the running part then you'll be fuuked up by the extra liquids in your stomach
where've you been ?
1/8 np4me
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