c4p´s birthday

Well it is my birthday today, as many uknowns i hope somebody famous was born on the same day?!
Happy Birthday to: Boob, bartallica, assNN, xh3laz, Tracer, Gaara, cryo, Mckay, unplug, Bucu, Bucuu, c4p, seninha, wiz-, dedz, tree, JohnnyBravo, pr0mm3, InfernaL, ethdemor, Kaoc, tNa., Wikkit, Valkir, Pilch, nijmege01, t3Zz, reE3f, Xelis, fewx_, Gnxt, reEfz, vimar, rome, mphizz0r, esseNce, zyga, Methan
HB friend :)
I heard the legendary Killer_PL has the birthday today!

HB :)
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