YESH! I went upstairs to prepare myself to go to school, but in order to get upstairs in ma house, you have to use a stair (duh) but in the middle of the stairs, there is a platform, and on the platform is a Glass door, that seperates the living area from the first floor!
SO I opened the door, and then I closed the door, but the handle snapped :o Its a 3000euro door;x so now im trapped in my house, and got nowhere to go xddddd

oh ma gawt!l FAIL and i have to wait for ma parents to get back xddddddd

image: fail-naked-powerline1
lol ive got to try that some day :DDDDDD

what happens if theres a fire???? :D
I will die a horrible death;<
best excuse of the week :D
xDD nice excuse not to go to school etc :P
excuses :DD
in case of emergency, break the glass!
worst excuse to skip school ever :D
who the fuk build a door inh the middle of the stairs :S

always knew they werent smart in belgium, but this... DAMN!
err, what a retarded reply.... thank god every stair is the same in the country you live in=]
atleast we don't put doors in the midle of them, if there is a door it will be at te beginning or the end of the stairs.
The way you described it sounded pretty retarded tbh :P need pics so you can proof it tbh!
lol i wondered the same thing
So, you live in the cellar?
lol,nice excuse to stay in house
highskilled school skipper :)
who would place a 3000e door on such place
why would you pay 3000e for a door with a weak handle?
well done lad
avi or it never happened
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