
First of all, I would like to say that this journal reflects my personal opinions and not those of Crossfire, even though I am admin here.

So, our mighty clan Anonymous The Killer Bunnies, signed up for the CoD4 S&D promod OpenCup, in good time aswell. However, now that the groups has been published in both Division 1 and 2, we are not to be found anywhere.

I suspect that the supervisor(s) for Division 2 has made a mistake while being lazy. In the best Peter Falk manner, I hereby give you the list of evidence:
  • The teams in Division 2 are almost placed in the groups alphabetic, there is atleast a nice tendency in most groups; this leads to my next exhibit.
  • The alphabeting listing only goes on to clans starting with S, which would leave out TKB.
I know that there are other teams which have been left out of the OpenCup. So, what I think the admins did was to fill up Division 1, with the teams they know and those which ranked them selves high. Next they made Division 2 and just filled it up, untill there wasn't anymore room. Any of you CF users, playing CoD4, applied for OC and has been denied?

I just read a reply by an admin, on a news post, which states:
"I'll tell you what guys, please have the cl or wa from each clan that hasn't been accpeted pm me with clanname and cid. That way I can easily replace any clan that is inactive or need replacing for some other reason. However this does NOT mean that every clan pming me gets in, but I will of course do my best to have only active clans in this OC and not inactive or clans with just 1 or 2 pm me asap!"
dont play but that sucks
wow what a groups, so clan who's name starts with an A are more skilled then clans who's name starts with a S xD

good job clownbase!
yea, signed up for OC S&D Pro and didn't get accepted cause of the 3 months + 36 match rule. found that rule out after the groups had been announced tho :P
you have to play 12 matches each month to get accepted to the opencup for cod4?
my bad, total amount was 25(read my reply below), i think it doesn't matter what time u play the matches in, the clan has to excist on CB for more than 3 months and has to have 25 matches. me and my mate been playing cod4 for a longer time but just made the 2on2 team for OC :(
I've never heard of such a rule at least, and a quick glance at the teams in the different groups shows that many don't meet those criterias.
Quote by SpoXParticipating teams should be at least 3 months old and have played over 25 matches. If you do not meet this requirement, you will not be allowed into the cup.

that's from clanbase. just incase you might've understood me wrong, im talking about 2vs2 S&D Pro, didn't see that before i signed up for it with my mate, so we got rejected.
AH ok, the 2v2 ladder. But still, incredibly stupid rule in an open cup tbh.
yup. if u go and take a look at the news where the rule was posted, there are some guys who've been active in cod4 for round 2 months but have like 60+ matches played in ladders. if that aint activity then wtf? as the admin replied there saying that rule will ensure less noshow matches. :/ seriously stupid for opencup. too bad they won't change it
Nice OpenCup
Make CF host a cup for the teams that didnt get in! Great way to make advertisement for the "less" skilled teams & CF.
CB messed up the OC. I have no idea how they managed to make the groups this bad, but they're absolutely horrible. Dead teams, teams in EC being placed in OC as well, teams with no or poor rank being placed higher up than top50 teams, teams sorted by nationality/alphabetically.

The rules, maplist and groups all show that this was done fast and without much thought.

On top of this, some of their admins have shown they behave like kids.
QuoteOn top of this, some of their admins have shown they behave like kids.

Thats kinda a stereotype for every admin. Whether it be a server, a gaming site or something else! There's only a few people out there who make a good admin.
I don't agree with that, but nevertheless, CB should be able to exclude/sort out admins behaving like this pretty fast.
not nice
guess it's pretty impossible to rate such a huge amount of cod4 teams in a way which would satisfy everyone, since you can't really see any skill difference between most of them. (besides the superduper big names)
No, it is not impossible.

When I was supervisor, when just switched to, I checked all teams, their websites, and also if they had CB results, in order to place them in the groups. If I remember correctly there were about 350 clans, so it is not impossible.
i was talking about cod4 specificly, back in rtcw days and even in et rating teams was never such a big issue (not to mention that it is lots of work for the admins) and i bet in tons of other games aswell.
but that doesnt work out for cod4, since the scene is not devided into real "skill groups" - a ranking like low+ / med / med+ is hardly possible in my eyes.
It's not about pleasing everyone, as that is of course impossible.

According to the admins, the groups are created using a script given certain parameters. Now, either those parameters were wrong, or the script sucks. In either case, a very quick glance at the groups shows there's something very wrong.

It wouldn't be hard to set up groups manually better than the script.

Besides, it's quite easy to roughly determine the "skill" levels.
those groups definitely look damn wrong.
can't imagine a script which could select teams by some given parameters as good as an admin with knowledge about the teams/scene.
but anyways, i could hardly experience any differences playing against med+ or high teams, sometimes even med teams were stronger - might be possible to spot little skill variations, but it's way harder than in any other game i tried before.
haha those groups are so funny, all alphabetic like Arachon said

btw what's the difference between division 1 and 2? Is premier league in division 2 equal in skill to premier in division 1?
No, Division 2 Premier League is supposed to worse than the last group in Div 1.
bullshit, we're not in also, played last 2 OC's and played every single match without noshows, don't understand why leave us out

and what a joke with the alphabetically placed teams
CB fails again ! not last time thou
That just shows how much effort they put into making groups fair and square, which obviously failed bigtime :D
i blame cod4 for being shit
CB sux, played vs bunnies - they skilled (ET skill np) and deserve at least 2-nd league even with potter as merc :O)

Another Q - why all groups made by same country teams?? wtf 4-5 or even 6 (all group) finnish, polaks, sweden team in 1 group?? I want to play with teams from another country that i didnt meet or played before, not with teams from my own country that i played vs like 347365 times!!

Plz ... Admins to Lazy to make normal groups or wat?
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