Terrorists In WOW?


has the pentagon lost it?
LoL. Just LoL.
They are attacking our imagination!
I actually just watched all 3 SP episodes just before reading this post... OMGOSH IMAGINATION LAND COMING TRUE!
And there's nazi's in RTCW!!!
everything is far greater in America
sounds plausible
Yes I'm sure a that a bunch of wizards, orcs and elves will come knockin' on your door Pentagonists.
haha, ban them.
americans, what else would you expect...
QuoteThe good doctor presented slides to the committee detailing how the World of Warcraft jargon could be interpreted as a possible nuclear attack on the White House.

It's actually more stupid than the Southpark-episode with Saddam building nukes in heaven. I'm serial, its more stupid! SERIAL!
i heard the loot will include a leather belt
So these horde raiding ironforge >,<... google eart, world of warcraft, second life, spore? O_O
haha wtf xD
sO thats where Osama is hiding!11
Expect US army to invade WoW in the nearest future
Osama bin laden isn't even on their official list anymore. Tbh if he was really the one they would have caught him by now, they have satellites that can read the fine print off your license plate from space :D There's a nice documentary with more insight into the people who probably are more likely to be involved in what happened.

Interesting documentary: http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=-2144933190875239407&hl=de
I'm sure playing WoW is a terrorists first port of call.

"Hey mohammed, we need to blow up some american buildings again, get your paki ass on WoW"

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