how to save PBGuid

how to save pb guid, before i reinstall my windows for example? To save only the file "etkey" which is in etmain folder? thx.

image: funny-pictures363
Stick that etkey on a usbpen or something
Only Etkey yes, send it as an e-mail to yourself.
email it to yourself, or use a pendrive
i have many partitions, so np.
I uploaded mine to my cfg.rar on this website, passworded rar ofcourse, should encourage people to do that :)
ye :p

we didn't enourage ppl to upload it to the ftp with a password, cos you can get some nolife ppl from nC bruteforce on the file :<
I guess another yes doesn't hurt :P
i would have given you some warnings points for that!

reason: cause your bald, oh and spam
saved mine on a usbpen with my 'special stash of goods' :D
it's the etkey-file.
try to ask from 4live
just copy your whole et folder
tell it to god
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