et on linux

dose et has better fps on linux if yes how much and tell me some experiences if you have linux running with et
you can use hax easier, oh hai2u2 fabio
experiances o.O ?
you mean experiences ?
err. i got the same fps with it as in windows, but when you have to use ventrilo (thourgh wine) the fps drops 20-30 when someone starts to speak.. :z
I can't get my mic working on Vent with wine - it works for about a second, then dies. Weird as hell, and very annoying.
hmm..have you set the script files right & are your ALSA or OSS settings correct? That's all I know, I hate adjusting when it comes to linux..that's why I switched to windows anyway.. but I got some nice hints from this guide:
I personally think that you've got less recoil @ linux. And tracking at longer distances is MUCH easier because of that. I mean, if somebody shoots me first, on windows I'm pretty sure that I will loose (as long as there isn't much skill difference and at linux, it's a bit easier AFAIK. But smoke is less transparent : (
LOL. recoil has nothing to do with the operating system you are using :)
yeah, it shouldn't. Just like pb should work @ linux -.- Have you tried it? That wasn't only mine impression. Too lazy to make an avi for you, but... well, I'm playing @ linux for pretty long time (1.5 year now) and after trying for a week to play @ windows, I came back to linux
maybe you got no recoil cause ETH comes with ET Linux installer? :D:D:ASD: funny
:D I guess that with ETH you don't have recoil at all, not a smaller one ^^
there are other things that eth-users dont have at all n not only a smaller one :P
pretty much knowledge on that topic I see here :D

I'd better be careful not to show mine :D
well, since i reffered to the brain here (n not what ur dirty lil mind might think now :P) it serves me well enough, so no prob here :>
Hard to believe an operating system changes the shaking on the q3 engine but ill have to take your word!
Never tried it on linux :) Might gonna do it in VMWare :-)
it's just more laggy @ windows coz of pb
heavy drops on windows, can get max 76 stable on a good day
no problems at all with linux, 333 stable
imo it depends heavily on your system setup. if you use nvidia-cards and dont run any heavy desktop like kde or gnome, imo the fps is a bit better (depends on some other settings too, like which agpgart-interface u use). the config of your running kernel (schedulers, allocators, etc.), xorg-version etc. also matters. if u know what u do or invest some time in learning / tweaking and the hardware fits it will be faster, but if not chances are there that it will run pretty crappy.
Linuxs is stable and fast
you can use ETH on linux, that's all you need to know :)
games suck on linux tbh :(

but other than that nix > *
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