CRT stinks

I have been noticing some color changing in my old crt, now my son's, and just now it started giving away this very unpleasant odor. So I took it apart because I thought it was full of dirt since I haven't cleaned it since I got it(6 years), but it was almost dust free and not as hot as I expected.
So my question is should I throw it away immediately or try using it for a bit longer?
i used my crt until it started making SHHHHBANG SHHHHHBANG SHHHHBANG sounds when i tried to turn it on, and at that moment I knew it was dead

then i drove across the country to buy a new CRT as LCD sucks
you dont drive, dont lie
seventeen cuntnipplingfucker

but you're right i didn't, it was just easier than saying "got a lift" which non-english speakers might not understand properly
Been browsing the Icelandic online computer stores and I can't see a single crt for sale. :<
Don't think an lcd + milk and other stuff + a five year old mix well together.
you won't find a new crt for sale anywhere probably

i got mine from ebay!
took a 21 inch CRT from work with me when my old one died :D

its an old monitor from a IBM CAD workstation, can run with up to 160hz and shit, very nice thinggy :)

CRT > all
My CRT came from my dad's work when they were replacing their CRT's with TFT's! :D

Mine is shit, however!
mine is a pretty high tier dell triniton one, 120hz@1280x960, 170hz@800x600
try finding an old crt, a lot of ppl still got them stocked away in their cellar after switching to tft. Even had to throw away two the other week, but they were only 17", I personally wouldnt use anything that small :P

or get along with times and use a flatscreen and accept it only does 60hz
I use a flatscreen, the smelly one is my son's, a future EC 0wner :D. The garbage disposal guys here have a store for re-usable garbage, gonna check there tomorrow if I find something usable.
A lot of ppl still got them stocked away. Nobody is really planning on reusing them anyways :)
True that, just like my 20" tv that has been sitting on the floor unplugged in my bedroom since I moved here almost 3years ago :>
17" is small these days? Bah, 2002 ftw. :(
i had 3 old CRT monitors left from some ancient times :D my mate made this..homemade rocket thingy :P we shot potatoes at the monitors. blew a potato straight thru the monitor, gonna check if i still got pictures ^^

*i know, im cruel :(*
Just use it till its really broken.
When electrical stuff starts to smell I'd think it is "really broken".
Well if u always have the elctric frieing smell when its turned on its really broken.
i am using same CRT for about 6 years now despite its occasional disfunctions:)
OMG its my CRT "yousmell", topic is stink but thats a smell aswell. It's like a CRT from a Stephen King book/movie it replies on crossfire even when unplugged.
Didn't know monitors could reply when they are plugged in let alone not plugged in!
That's Stephen King for ya, Christine the CRT
i suggest you some smell remover
This is the only troubleshoot I have gotten so obviously the best one.
sometimes monitors also puke
yes that makes sense
throw it away only if u are going to buy another crt
crt is so past,liek a stoneage thing ololol buy tft
CRT's forever! Im going to buy a 21" :>)
wow new smiley :)
i just sniffed my CRT :(
Sexiest thing u have ever said :O
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