Windows Vista Questions

Hi since I want to "upgrade" my PC to Vista I'd like to ask you some questions ( the d00dz which allready using vista)

1. Is an accelfix needed or is it fixed unlike in XP?
2. Is ET lagging less than with XP ( Since the pnkbstrA and B where create for Vista afaik ) ?
3. Are there any heavy disadvantages towards ET or wireless networks?

thx in advance
1. Yes

2. No difference really. Some say that ET looks 'crisper' on Vista but I personally think thats BS.

3. Not really.
could you post me a link to some accelfix, would be really awesome?
The website is blocked at work mate.
If you 'Accel fix Vista' it should give you a link to the Guru3D forums, should be one there.

Failing that try this one -
thanks for your fast help :)
You're welcome :)
There'll be a new windows next year , so why do you switch to Vista ? ;D
Which will be buggy as hell for at least 18 months, whereas Vista is now pretty much fixed ;)
Because there is allready a Service Pack for Vista and I dont want to test some beta O/S especially not a microsoft one. :>
using vista and no problem here
u can turn off accel in registry, no fix needed
Most people I know still had accel problems even with this turned off.
It's not a watertight solution, personally I'd still install a 3rd party fix.
more like downgrade to vista =D
fps lags with vista :S
Its the same imo. My ET works fine with vista. Havent had any problems so far.
Haven't had any problems, except for the kick pb gives you if you vid_restart
1. Is an accelfix needed or is it fixed unlike in XP?
- could activate in the control panel
2. Is ET lagging less than with XP ( Since the pnkbstrA and B where create for Vista afaik ) ?
-hardware? im laggin less thasn with xp, but i got complete new hardware.... if you got good specs you shouldn have any probs
3. Are there any heavy disadvantages towards ET or wireless networks?
not heavy. wireless works even better(my father uses on laptop). with ET you may get kickd when you do a vid_restart after changing resolution or smthng. (still didnt try what setting you have EXACTLY to change for getting kicked, i always changed resolution+bits+AA. a normal vid_restart without changing settings works for me)
3 ghz dualcore and a x1950 PRO, 2gb ram @ 800mhz should be enough i guess
yes got similiar specs
Even with your hardware?
dont do it
i got drawn in by all the cool stuff vista has but in the end its all a fucking resource raper
I think I got enough ressources, my problem is XP does not use them like expected and since Iam aiming for a 64 bit solution Vista is probably the best way to go
if you use home premium its all ok. Dont use ultimate, since its just too crowded with features you dont need.
Im using vista and, also I havent notice any negative accel thingy yet. But after the last pb update I started to get weird lags :/ fps drops to 5 in every 30sec, no idea how to fix it, its kinda annoying.
Thats PB. Same thing in XP as in Vista :(
Yeah... Need to know how to fix it :(
You can't.

Unless of course you play on non PB servers.
vista = fps drops and lags every 20-30 sec^^
no problems
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