Graphic problem

Ive got this problem with my pc, well described here

ands its really annoying.

this guy said he figured it out...

"I`ve found the cause and solution to this problem.
All you have to do is to look at your power connectors
The card must have it`s own "wire" with one of the two connectors loose(not powering anything)
You can put your hard drive and optical drive(s) on the other wire."

and he even posted a pic


But ive got no clue what he means :]

suggestions anyone?
rätt åt dig hora
can't resize that pic
edited, dunno what he means
check jnOs comment, it looks like one cable can't provide enough power for two devices. But it is still weird (didn't know that single molex can be used for gpu power supplying)

you need to connect one cable (molex = a thing with read, yellow, black wires and 4 pins coming from PSU (power supply) to your graphic card as on that pic That cable must come directly from your power supplyer
hmm inside my pc it looks like all wires go to the same place together, by looking at stuff my graphic card doesent have its own cable
which graphic card do you have?
geforce 7900 GS
That card will not suffer any drop in performance running off a shared molex, as long as the power supply was up to the task. Even so saying that, if the PSU was not up to the job you'd not be able to run ET.

I think it is to do with the rendering process of the GPU based on the Windows OS and so therefore probably only applicable to Windows (i.e you are not losing frames in ET) and not fixable.
well im experiancing these mouseskipps in all games plus in windows, and it makes it close to impossible to aim well...

i bought a new pc and still had this shit, which to me is fucking weird
you need to find this cable image: cable and connect it into this slot on your graphic card image: gpu.

edit: cable can be black and you need to close your computer before doin that
That would have to be connected for the card to work at all.

I fail to see though how even having it on a dedicated cable would make any difference.
If the card was underpowered it would simply bluescreen or freeze, not cause fls lag purely on the cursor.
Plus you would not get voltage drop on a shared cable unless your PSU was poor inwhich case the card would again fail to work or bluescreen.
afaik that depends on video card. Usually monitor doesn't work w/o this cable. Posted that just because
Quotehmm inside my pc it looks like all wires go to the same place together, by looking at stuff my graphic card doesent have its own cable
hmm my cable doesent look like that at all, its black for starters, and how do i unplugg it? is there a safety machanism? cuz its pretty solid and i dont want to damage anything by using to much force

sometime i wish i had some computerskills :D
Personally I think you should leave it and not start pulling cables out of components when you are a self confessed PC n00b ;D
ye i just really wanna sort this ;<
Thing is that now you have noticed this you will think its affecting your game, when in fact it probably isn't :)

I assume you use XP?
Do you use SetPOint software? If so what are the settings?
Have you got an Accel Fix application installed?
Do you use a program to increase the polling rate of your mouse?

....or do you not understand a word of what I just typed? ;P
ive had this problem for aslong as i can remember, ive tried to sort it since and its fucking up my aim completly

i have xp, like 14 mice and ive tried with drivers installed / without drivers, ive tried every possible mouse hz / DPI, accelfix / mousereg combination there is... my sens always feels shitty no matter what i do.

whats funny is that it can change while i play, from okish till shitty and visa versa =)

sounds like its in my head but ive met doussins of people online with the exact same problem
What the guy is saying is that the molex/pci-e power connector you have attached to your GPU should not be part of a 'chain' of connectors powering other components, i.e HDD, Optical Drive.

If you notice some cables from your PSU will have several connectors on them, make sure the one you use for you GPU is dedicated.

Personally I think it's complete BS but its worth a shot.
ok, and now explain that as if you were talking to a 4 year old, i dont even know wot a PSU is =D

do you have any other suggestions?

PSU - Power Supply Unit ( the big box in the PC that makes everything work ;) )

Well tbh I am 99.9% sure that the guys is talking utter bullshit.

I would imagine the issue is inherant to the drivers but may only be noticeable on older/less powerful cards.

When you tested it on another computer do you know what the specs were?
well no but it was a more powerfull pc with 2 gb RAM, a new ATI 512 mb card etc,

and ive tried many different drivers on this pc
Therein lies the answer.
I am fairly certain its an nVidia issue, if the PC you tested it on was running ATi then that would go somewhere to confirming that :D
problem is that i had the same problem with the more powerfull ATI pc aswell ;>
But your post on the other forum says :

"Before I go any further, I will state that the problem is definitely not with the mouse itself, as I've tested it on another computer and it works fine "

ye i didnt make that topic

its just a guy with the same problem :P
Damned Swedes making no sense :P

Tell you what if you cant get it sorted this weekend get Homer to give you Tyrant vent details and I'll go through some bits and send you some programs on Sunday/

I can't help more til then really fella :)
Sounds great, wld be fucking awesome to sort this, cheers for all the help
Well I will make a point of checking my cursor tonight and see if I have the same problem on my 8800GTS. I'll have a play around with the power inputs, polling rates and DPI settings. If I can fix it I will share the solution.

If not you'll have to live with it :P


va en nörd då, va de
i dont think so
image: img1223qd0
that computer is some real cheap crap, lol.i wouldn't trust on what the guy is saying ;p :D
rat, I have the feeling you will never find an answer to your mouse problems... The only thing I still have in mind to suggest is lower the prerenderlimit =P.
to what number?

rivatuner doesent allow me to change opengl prerenderlimit below 2, i can only do it on direct3d
dl program called nhancer
+ use r_finish 1
still feels crap :<
A high prerenderlimit can cause mouselags, the downside is that a low one causes tearing, has to be tried with/without vsync. I had no problem freely changing prerenderlimit using nvtweak.
ya i dont have mouselags, my mouse skips and no its not the surfice
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