bluescreen after loading screen

well, my monitor broke a few days ago, i got a replacement CRT now, but my PC won't start up, I get a blue screen after the XP loading bar comes on, it loads for a bit, then bluescreen for like half a second, can't read anything from it. Anyone ever had this before and has an idea? I'm writing this from an ubuntu livecd I had laying around.

Help please ;(
paint it black
Sounds bad :(

I bet you had too big resolution for CRT with that flatscreen or whatever monitor you had before and you switched straightly to current one = pc doesnt like
Without an error code there is nothing we can really do Fredd. I have experienced exactly the problem but it can be anything. You should try and run in safe mode if it loads then it's a driver/service error. I suggest 'REPAIRING' Windows.
Format c:

rly ? yes
f8 while booting, try safe mode
same thing on safemode
try disabling the reboot after a bluescreen and read what it says.

my guess: resolution fail
resolution is 1280x1024, and the CRT can handle it. monitor works in ubuntu livecd properly

you cant disable reboot after bluescreen without going into windows though?
don't really know.

i think you can disable it thru the bios
I hope you guys succeed in helping him, it is a very serious cause!!!
take a photo very fast
or get chuck norris to capture the BSOD image in his mind
1. Why did the LCD die in the first place? Maybe it's a video card issue.
2. What is the BSOD code?
1. Im guessing backlight burned out, its not the videocard most probably since the LCD acts the same on my laptop and my replacement CRT works in ubuntu livecd.
2. the bsod flashes for half a second, i cant even manage to read 1 word from it. too fast to take a pic, but i will try recording a movie of it and taking a still from it there.
Don't :P. Press F8 before windows start booting and press FAST and many times. You should enter a menu and choose fom there not to reboot if there is failure.


Or do this :P. I made a confusion with windows vista.

LLE: Enter safe mode first using F8 if you can't boot normally sao you can disable the automatic reboot in control panel.
I cant access windows, so how can I do it? :o
imo f8 only brings up the bootoptions (safemode / normal)
I get the same bsod in safemode
Well... that sux really bad because you have to do some tricks...
1. Check if Ubuntu has an app (install it with synaptics) that can edit Windows registry. If yes... @method 2 go to the registry file in the system and edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\CrashControl\AutoReboot and put it 0.
2. do this

LE: if seems that Windows Recovery Console comes with a registry editor. You can use it to modify that AutoReboot value to 0.
ahh cba, ill just record with my camera, easier. doing chkdsk /r atm
you're screwed
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