old vent + push to talk

is there a way to get mouse4 to activate talk using vent 2.1 ?

it works in vent 3.0 but not 2.1,

it's annoying going from mainly using 3.0 and getting used to using m4 as push to talk then going to old vent and having to use a keyboard button then half way through match you realise you've been using the wrong push to talk button lolz!

in advance, thanks!
oh my god
QQ moaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
oh my dick
you could just right an autohotkey script to make mouse4 act like a keyboard button

or if you don't want to do that, tell me what key you want keyboard key PTT is bound to, and i can compile a AHK script that makes mouse4 act like that button

well thats how i'd fix it anyway, quick hacked together workarounds are my style
Add a keystroke to mouse4 , then use that key in ventrilo (if you have logitech mouse you can easily do this with the setpoint drivers)
intelli :<
check your mouse drivers/software (Intellipoint?)
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