EC seeds

looking forward to the 5 qualify games have not yet played the groups of this season are gonna be done like always respecting the seeds rating.

this is mine own!!!


#1 Europe TLR
#2 Belgium ovr
#3 Europe polar- pi
#4 Slovenia mamut

poule 2

#5 Finland v&e
#6 Poland FF

poule 3
#9 Poland devilry
#10 Germany HB

poule 4

#13 Europe SNB
#14 Europe replay-zZz


Belgium FiF vs Netherlands dNan -> both EC worthy and both deserve at least a poule 3 slot when are qualified , FiF could be placed on poule 2 aswell imho

Croatia cor vs Hungary ovs -> cortana should go through and take a poule 3 slot easily

Europe vital vs Europe aTooN -> who wins in my opinion can busy a poule 2 slot

Finland Inc vs Germany minus -> Inc should be the winner clan, poule 2 for them , if they lose minus @ poule 3 and FiF 100% poule 2

France muse vs France glitz -> tight game both could be poule 3 worthy but since there are only 4 slots i think could be moved on the last poule

Europe TAG vs Netherlands accurate -> close game but surely who will win should be placed on the last poule.


imho we are gonna see an exciting and balanced groupstage!!!
We deserve higher than 13th seed!!

Thing is, you can't actually make seedings until every qualified team has shown their worth in the qualifier. Plus, keep in mind some invited teams have a different lineup than you might expect/which they used in previous seasons (thinking about highbot and polar here)
yes but who will be moved down then?

i ve considered not only the skill of the teams , i do it CB similar ( they care about awards in their past competitions and stability as a team )

replace SNB with vital - atoon winner.
hb down

is top4 really in 1 poule? that sucks
what the... you hacked our site??

5 years of ET ( i have CB as homepage so i think i know pretty good their thought!! )
bad idea, invited teams = first 8 places on the seed
FIFA system
FiFa system here
Seeding system should be based on the "worldranking" not on the actual form. Like Nadal and Federer never meet in the semfinal etc.

it means the best 8 (they got invite) will be on the 1st-8th place and the qualifier teams the last 9th-16th place

edit: in your system it would be possible to make a goup out of 4 invited team, that makes no sense !
it is since CB has invited not the top 8 skilled teams atm, but top 8 stable and awarded based on past edictions, like every year they do!!
STILL. can you imagine a group where 4 invited teams fight each other? i cant !
if the teams are skill class different i do, it has happened already with 3 , 4 are 2 much and they know!!

Nonix read below 4 example
Isnt getting a direct invite equal to getting a high seed (except in our example)
it would be strange that a direct invited team, would get a lower seed than a team that had to play qualy to get in the cup.
for the 6 top teams you can see they are invited, v&e or FF are TOP clans aswell but as i told top4 CB probably consider who already won EC and rippin across the scene for ages.

you have TLR = 2 LANS + EC finals for ages
idle = lol wanna talk about awards?
polar = EC winner
edit = silver addicted for a bit LAN owners aswell

v&e and FF are the same skill but only 4 slots so they must be placed down

HB = new team but 2 players have won EC poule 3 or 2

zzz= oc winners can even be poule 2 but other clans are qualifyin are just better so they must slide down
Im saying, why should HB get a lower seed than other teams having to qualify ?
If they got direct invite, doesnt this already mean they have a higher seed in clanbase's thinking.
look on previous season u ll see it is not, + like i told you takin a poule slot means busy it for the other clans that will moved down and when you have more than 1-2 are better it means is the samething, so it is for them cause only 2clans go thorugh @ playoffs
mate I rly cant understand what you're saying.
But just to repeat my point.

Highbot => direct invite
other teams => Qualifier

If clanbase would think the teams from the qualifier would be better than highbot (deserve high seed) They wouldve given them the direct invite, and made highbot play a qualifier.

!!!! This does not include sleeperz, clanbase were forced to invite us, so they can put us in any poule they want!!!!!!!
Parent -> EC -> previous season and look on past editions if you can understand.
last season => 2 invited clans / group ,dno bout previous ones
lol razzah your comment was stupid , deleted ?:)
yes..just understood the system :D
why replay zzz @ last poule ?
i ve considered not only the skill of the teams , i do it CB similar ( they care about awards in their past competitions and stability as a team )

we're missing all 3 the elements :'(
but why does a direct invited team is on a lower poule than a qualified team ?
This is just the opinion of dio, I also expect that direct invite will get high seed.
Otherwise they wouldnt been direct invite (except in our case due to OC Prem)
i think you cannot even understand that if 4 low teams rank in poule top or poule 3 or 2 is just the same since one clan of each pole is picked so putting zZz in poule 1 means one of the poule 1 move away and they can meet eachother aswell.


poule 2


poule 3

FiF > zzz , hb
snb > zzz , hb
vital/atoon > zzz , hb
devilry > zzz , hb

poule 4

muse / desire > zzz , maybe hb
cor > zzz , maybe hb
inc > zzz , hb
tag / acc > zzz

ofc this is my ( wrong for you ) opinion
I have no idea what you're saying.
And no I'm not concerned about our seed, since the admins had to invite us.
But the other direct invited teams should get the highest seeds.

+ just to proof u wrong in ur seeding, the top that u rate top for poule3 (fifg) haven't been able to beat us in officials, so what are you basing your seeds on then ?
basing on my own predictions , if you are right you can easily win them @ EC if u ll put @ same group.
So basicly, proven points dont have anything to do. Its about what you think might happen.
And no I'm not looking low on fifG since theyre a strong side, and are more than capable of challenging/winning of us.
Id rate polar and snb in same category
they both have perfo anyway (as they're with 2 at home)
And both rage FiFg easily ;o
FF is as good as good as vae or a bit better.
Yep, they have templar now.
This is one of most horrifying things ive seen in a while
it's alright man, you'll get over it.. soon enough..
Yeh, Im trying mah best
#1 TLR
#2 polar - pi
#3 mamut
#4 ovr
yeah whatever.. only for sayin they can t meet eachother...
polar haven't even got a 6 man lineup yet
would still rate them better than mamut (at this moment :P)
easy wins for the rest, np

invites should be top 8, based on the fact THEY GOT INVITED

other than that, you can't really decide on matches that haven't been played yet. for example if a clan like ovs wins, it doesn't mean they deserve a poule 3 seed, it just means cor really sucked ;D
no, not rly :p
8 invites arent 8 first seeds? how was that at previous tournaments?

ksnap nog altijd niet dat jullie geen invite kregen, light heeft in zijn lijst in ieder geval jullie invite gegeven :P Moeten al die gasten zijn geweest die inactive waren de laatste 6 maanden en alleen known names kozen :)

maar dnan moet lukken, jullie zijn en pak meer active maar tzal wel spannend worden :P
slurp slurp
mja shit happens :)
dnan wordt idd moeilijk, maar niet 'ondoenbaar' :p, anders winne we ffkes oc premier op ons kousevoete gelijk TAG e :DD
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