mx518 drivers :S

Ok so I had this problem for some time but I just want to know what I am doing wrong exactly.

I have my Windows Point speed set to 6. However, when I uninstall my mx518 drivers the mouse speed is considerably faster. I have disabled Game Detection in the Logitech control panel and used “OS implementation” for “Speed and Acceleration”.

Note: I need the drivers because I use the extra buttons on the mouse

image: img_d7364af28f4388719a30812f67170581

image: img_af2ffc548a0117130a3773d2218c1c42
uninstall drivers and use XMouse Button Control
Thanks but it seems that this program does not let you use the extra buttons on an mx518 (comes with 5 extra buttons)
yes it does... it comes with 2 extra buttons as mouse 1 till 3 are supported by default. The 6th button becomes useless though (the one below the minus), but isn't useful anyway.
I use 4 of the 5 extra buttons :P (side down arrow, side up arrow, minus button and the button below the minus button)
I just tried it out. The side arrow buttons work with it, but not the 2 round buttons below the scroll wheel. Is it possible to configure the last two too?
Why do drivers suck? I mean facts wise. Could you try to fit it in a nutshell for me please?
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