Right Handed? Left Handed?

Does any1 else see that your ET guy is right handed because he like can throw a nade through a wall on the ryt lean but not on the left?
Seems a bit unfair on the left handed people xD
I guess if you lean left while timing a nade he throws the nade onto the wall .. just guessing, can't really remember that now. :D
yeah , I think it's like that :p
its more normal like this
right of course !
i m righthanded but i play lefthanded

indeed once again you may call me retard
had to think hard on this one
i'm right handed, but play with arrow keys since always, never played with WSAD or any other key combination

i guess that's what you said, too?
arrows righthanded, mouse in the left
but i m righthanded

i don't play like that. i'm right handed, and press arrows with my left hand, mouse is still in the right hand
awe, arrows fucking own
I can handjob with both hands
i am right hander but i wank with left hand.
im right hander. I need both hands to wank, right hand is down and left is up
lucky you. i cant get my hands around :S:S:S
stfu and lets play in abit!!!
left handed and proud of it.
I'm ambidextrous x)
it would be awful if you could change the weapon placement(right hand, left hand) and at the same time change how you throw nades while leaning.
im left handed and play with my right one!
stop playing with yourself :D
I write right and play basketball right, but i draw left and right and play soccer with my left foot :/
Left handed peeps unite!
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