Oktoberfest '08 [GER ofc]

Today the Oktoberfest 2008 started!!

who is going to be there?

when will you go + where ?

I start my first "trip" in ~1h.. so wish me gl 2 find a seat :)

likely ill be @ HB or Augustiner untill the evening...

"schreibst a pm wennst heud a kimst"

image: wiesn_475px

image: 2434572437_6f57cafe22_o

image: oktoberfest-podcast-021

you can also write some incidents or embarrassments here :)


day 1 =

Pukemarock > Oktoberfest

rly :P
crazy people!
I r too young :<
Have Fun
True! :)

I'll surely go there, i just dont know when yet. :<

Have fun :)
that's sick dude !

laundryday @ antwerp ! <3
wtf are those blue monkeys :o
sasquatch party 2^^

but i dunno :>
in the second picture :~>
they reminde me the episode in samorai jack, when he learned how to jump good :~>
ye they look like sasquatch's to me :)
or any kind of iceguys or whatevr^^

dunno samorai jack ^^
mmmm beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
ozapfd is !!!!!!
i was planning on going... but i don't think i'll get there.
o zapft is! see ya there
oans, zwoa, gsuffa
our city days,so i have what to do :D
cannstatter wasen > oktoberfest
definitly not :)

been a few times at both, Oktoberfest and Wasen, and i just can tell u that the Wasen looks like a joke compared to Oktoberfest :)
I'm just a patriot :D
so am i ! Baden-Württemberg

but Oktoberfest > all :)
Im going there next week on Friday with 5 other people. Have to skip 2 days of school :/
Novemberfest, Decemberfest, Januaryfest... who cares.
i wanted to put "i know what u did here" pic but cant find it :X
every week is a fest: holidays, u met ur friends, relax... What does a human being need more?
intelectual entertainment?
i would like to go but german women are ugly and german beer is weak :X
german beer is weak ROFL
im talking about % not taste
only czech beer can beat the german ones tbh.
well, i must agree, they are very good but i never saw czech beer wiht more than 5%
Well why should there be one? Beers with ~8% taste like beer mixed with booze, and that sucks tbh :p
...not every one :D some polish lagers have 9,5% and still are very tasty :D
lol? stop talkin bullshit. if u wanna drink strong beer (>5%) in germany u just hv to buy it :D not my fault, that u maybe just can buy Becks and other stuff...
u have drunk bad beer maybe, coz germany has normally a very good beer.
yey, another great reason to kill your liver!!! WOO HOOOOOO
i've been here today....and i will be there from 3rd to 5th october.. hacker festzelt!
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